Kivi's Underworld Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Kivi's Underworld Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO


*Always have something to heal you and never go in a corner or
stay in one spot to long or u are dead meet.

*Not really a tip or trick but if you upgrade your damage your
sword will become cooler and bigger.

*To edit maps hit ~ then type developer 1 then enter it then
it is on main menu.

*Look for things in common between secret entrances in each chapter,
this helps in finding the other secret entrances in the same chapter.

*If you see a wall wich you can see trough. Most of the time there a
secret room or path.

*You can mix your powers to go trough the level. Like use critical
strike and rage to attack.

*Open every crate and chest. Pick up keys and you can find new
characters and or treasure.

*You can use the traps to kill enemys. Sure you got damage too but
the enemys suffer more damage then you.

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