Nom du fichier : Postal 3 Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO |
Cheat Codes: After enabling cheats by entering "sv_cheats 1" in the command console, activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes: Give all weapons - giveall God mode - god Steam achievements: AIN'T GOT COJONES! - Finish your business with Krotchy. ALL PERPS MUST DIE! - Take out all the criminal scum infesting Catharsis! ARSONIST - 150 kills using fire. BIPOLAR - Swap paths 5 times in one playthrough. CAMELBACK - Piss 100 gallons of urine. CAT WRANGLER - 50 kills using cat. CHAMP WHISPERER - 50 kills using dog. COMMIES GO HOME! - Make Venezuela peacemakers go home. DADDY NEVER LOVED ME - Complete game killing only males. DANNY TREJO - 100 kills using machete in melee. DO NOT PUSH THE BUTTON! - Disobey orders, given to you, and see what happens. DON'T TAZE ME BRO - Taze 200 victims. EASTWOOD - Complete game using only the pistol. EMO - Injure yourself. ENTOMOLOGIST - 50 kills using bees. FAIL ZOMBIE - Respawn 20 times. I AM THE LAW - Complete Good path without falling off. JACK THOMPSON WAS RIGHT - Kill 1000 unarmed bystanders. KAVORKIAN - Euthanise 30 elderly folks. MEGA-SADIST - 200 injured or death-crawling victims NOT finished off. NEUROSURGEON - 300 headshot/decap kills. PERSONAL JESUS - Beat game with zero kills.n(zombies and bosses don't count) PETA CHAIRMAN - Kill no animals in one playthrough. PRODUCT RECALL - Destroy 50 cars. PROPERTY DAMAGE - Smash 50 windows. PSYCHO DUNDEE - 50 kills using boomerang machete. REAL AMERICAN - Kill/incapacitate 235 terrorists. REPO MAN - Return Thegways to the owner SAYANARA, TREE HUGGERS - Arrest eco zealots leader. SCHWARZENEGGER - 200 kills using M-60. SCOFIELD - Escape from prison. SPECIAL OLYMPIAN - Beat the game once. No restrictions apply. Everyone's a winner. STALLONE - Complete game using only melee. SUCKTASTIC! - Suck up 500 items with the shop vac. T.J. HOOKER - Arrest 200 perps. THE CHOICE WAS YOURS! - Choose path for the first time. THERE IS NO SPOON - Spend 900 seconds or more in catnip bullet time. WOLVERINES R GHEY - 50 badgersaw kills. |