Mega Man X4 Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Mega Man X4 Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO

Cheat Codes

Dark Megaman X
Highlight Megaman at the character selection screen. Then hold [Down] and press F.

Dark Zero
Highlight Zero at the character selection screen. Then hold [Up] and press F.

At the player select screen, highlight Zero then hold [Up] + [Enter]. Zero will now be black, the end of his Z-saber will be black, and his hair is lighter. If you are low on health with black Zero, a machine with a health capsule should appear. Destroy it, and you will get some extra health. Note: You will not start with Tenkuuha (Storm Owl's weapon).

Ultimate X Armor
Highlight X at the title screen, then hold [Up] and press C. After you pass the introduction level, go to the "Web Spider" level. Find the capsule to get the Ultimate X Armor instead of the boots.

At player selection screen, highlight X and press [Down] + [Enter]. If done correctly, his arms, legs and torso should be purple instead of light blue. Go to any one of Dr. Light's capsules (the one in Web Spider's stage recommended, as it is the easiest to reach). You will receive the Ultimate Armor. It has the same abilities as the full kit in this game with the plasma shot, except you will now have unlimited Nova Strikes.

Megaman X: Ultimate armor
Press [Up] + [Shoot] while selecting Zero. Enter a special armor capsule to receive the new armor.

Zero: Black armor
Press [Down] + [Shoot] while selecting Zero.

Capsule locations
Capsules can be found at the following locations.

Armor capsule: Go to Magma Dragoon level and proceed until reaching the part of Volcano Area 2 where you have the armor. Get into it and dash jump towards the platform. Get on to the platform, then charge twin slasher to full power and destroy the blocks in front of you. Pass through and get the armor upgrade.
Helmet capsule: Go to the Cyber Peacock level and get a S rank on the third stretch with the yellow balls that drains your energy. This is difficult to accomplish, but possible.
Leg capsule: Go to the Web Spider level and proceed to the part with the waterfalls. When you drop down to the section below the part with the spike spinning on the platform, just go through the gap on the right side wall opposite to the hole.
Arm capsule: Go to Storm Owl Area 2 with all the laser cannons. Get to the section with the hole in the ceiling, with spikes on the floor and each side of the wall. Use the lightning web weapon to jump onto the platform. Above it are two capsules. One allows your fire four shots in a row and the other allows you to fire a plasma bolt. The best choice is the plasma bolt, as it keeps hitting the enemy after the first hit.

Note: Use the following trick to get the Arm capsule easily. This requires the Body Armor. Go to the Owls' second area, then go past the cannon area towards the Boss door. Do not enter the door. Instead, there should be an opening in the ceiling that is surrounded by spikes. Shoot a Lightning Web onto the surface of the spikes. Dash Jump to it. Then, kick off it. Then, use the Nova Strike to get to the capsule.

Ultimate capsule: Begin game play as Dark X. Go to the Web Spider level and proceed to where the leg capsule was located. Instead, you will receive the ultimate armor. This allows unlimited nova strike, unlimited none charged special weapons, hover in midair, and the ability to shoot plasma bolts.

Heart locations

Hearts can be found at the following locations.

First Heart: There are some trees that you can burn in the second stage of the Webspider stage. Go to where the full-healing item is, just before you fight Webspider. It is right next to a tree. Use Rising Fire (touching the tree) or Zero's thing. It will burn down.
Second Heart: Go to the Peacock stage. Get an "S" for the second (Zero) course, or the first (X). Note: You can destroy the yellow balls with X's Soul Body, and zero's Spinning Saber attack (split mushroom attacks).
Third Heart: Go to the Owl stage, where you can get onto the machine. Make sure the first laser beam does not destroy the platform; the third Heart is located there.
Fourth Heart: Go to the Magma Dragoon stage, second level. There are machines there that look like your suit. The first one is at the part where the fire balls start to come down. Go up to the highest grounds (directly above it). Dash-jump to the left to find a Heart there; or jump twice with Zero or float with X to the left.
Fifth Heart: You will see it on the Mushroom stage. You can get it, even though the drilling things drill the thing down. Go and slide down the small wall, and dash-jump (or jump twice), or web thing with X.
Sixth Heart: Go to the Sting Ray stage. You will see the Heart on the bottom part of two platforms. Do not jump.
Seventh Heart: Go to the Slash Beast stage. Go to the part when you get in the suit. Note: You can destroy the metal boxes and the cargo platforms with your machine. Destroy the second platform to find the heart.

E Tank
To get one of the E Tanks, go to the Cyber level and get the S rank. To do this, jump on the platform that does not have an enemy.

Go to Ray's stage area 2. Survive until you see two boxes, a space, and one box. In that space is the other E tank.

W Tank
Go to Snow Base area 2. Destroy all of the ice blocks until you reach a platform that leads you left or right. Go left and destroy the ice blocks. You will eventually find the W tank.

Huge heart container
Go to Frost Walrus' stage and go to the end of the first part where you are sliding on the snow that crumbles. Climb up the wall and you should see a container that looks like a huge heart. If you are using X, use the Web Spiders ability when you are on the wall then use your boots to float over to the web. Then, jump onto the ledge were the heart is located. If you are using Zero it will be more difficult. Go to the same part of Frost Walrus' stage and climb the wall. When you are at the top, use the Double Jump ability to make it on to the platform with the heart.

Defeating the Bosses
Each Boss have a weakness related to their own weapons.

Dragoon: Owl's weapon
Owl: Cyberpeacock's weapon
Cyberpeacock: Mushroom's weapon
Spider: Beast's weapon
Ray: Walrus' weapon
Walrus: Dragoon's weapon
Mushroom: Spider's weapon
Sigma In Ghost Robe: Dragoon's weapon
Sigma Out Of Robe: Spider's weapon
Sigma(Big Head): Megaman's Buster with Plasma(Arm Armor)

Defeating the Bosses as Zero

The following is the best order to defeat the Bosses when playing as Zero.

Slash Beast
Web Spider
Frost Walrus
Magma Dragoon
Cyber Peacock
Storm Owl
Split Mushroom
Jet Stringray

Defeating the Spider Boss
When you get to the Spider Boss, dash slide away to dodge his webs, then jump over it.

Defeating the General
Use the twin slashers (Slash Beast weapon) to defeat him.

Defeating the Colonel
Use the ice attack with Zero, not on top of him, but directly next to him. It does the most damage.

Defeating Cyber Peacock
To defeat him with Zero, use the Z-Saber Enhancement (Ryuenjin attack) you get from defeating Magma Dragoon.

Defeating Double
When you reach Double, use the Double Cyclone.

Defeating Iris
When the huge diamond object comes out of her, use the fire attack on her with Zero.

Defeating Magma Dragoon
When you get the armor suit at area 2, get in and continue normally. When you get to the part where you have to jump higher than the suit allows, do not get out. Instead, go in the lava and move forward as quickly as possible, breaking the box things in front of you. You will begin the battle with Magma Dragoon in the suit. Attack him until the suit explodes. By this time, his life should be low. Then, finish him off.

Defeating Magma Dragoon and Slash Beast
As Zero, use Raijingeki, which does 2 hits on Dragoon and 1 hit on Slash Beast.

Defeating Sigma
The easiest way to defeat Sigma's first form (phantom) is to use the fire attack. Note: There is a pattern to his attacks in this form. After you hit him two times with the fire, he will attack you with a attack unblockable or dodgeable on ground. After you hit him two times, jump on the wall to the top of it then repeat.

The easiest way to defeat Sigma's second form with X is the lightning web. With Zero, use the Giga Attack. The easiest way to kill him is to avoid him using the four miniature boomerang attacks on you. To do this, you must know his pattern.

The easiest way to defeat the Sigma's third form with X is to use the Soul Body on the large one (with the gun). Use the Jet Stingray attacks on the big head. To avoid the large head's attack, go close to the wall opposite of him when he appears. He will either suck you in or blow you to spikes. If spikes appear, dash quickly and keep dashing. Then, change your weapon to the Jet Stingray and get him. If he sucks you in, destroy the red head and dash up to the top of the wall (opposite to him). When he blows the crumbled things out, he will not hit you. Note: When the large one says "The end", jump on the "Power Ranger" heads to the left.

The easiest way to defeat Sigma's third form with Zero is to kill the large one with the gun, then destroy the red head below him. Next, use the fire attack on him outside of his range. To kill the head, do the same as X's strategy to avoid his attacks, but use the multiple combo technique (as described in the "Defeating Slash Beast" hint) to kill him. .

Defeating Slash Beast
First, defeat the Stingray and use his weapon in the battle. Shoot him once, then jump over him, turn, and fire again. Repeat this until he goes down.

In order to kill Slash Beast as zero, use this multiple combo technique. Rapidly press [Forward] while rapidly pressing [Saber] at the same time. You will only do the first two hits of Zero's full attack, but the Slash Beast is effected even if he is flashing with the first two hits of Zero's attack. That will lower his health quickly.

Defeating Web Spider
As Zero, use Ryuenjin after if you have Kuuenbu jump and slash him for an extra hit.

To make the Web Spider fall down, use the Twin Slasher weapon on his web that is supporting him. Make sure that both of them hits it. He will fall down and be wide open for an attack.

Easy helmet upgrade
Go to the Cyber Peacock stage. Get a rank "S" on the third section. This can be done easily by using the Soul Body (Split Mushroom's weapon) periodically. You can kill the floating eye balls.

Flying boots, body armor, Nova Strike upgrades
If you are Dark Mega Man, get the upgrade on the Web Spider's stage and you will get the flying boots, body armor and Nova Strike (a very powerful blast).

Easy lives and energy
Go to Frost Walrus/Kibatodos stage. Then, dash jump towards the first wall on your left, then dash jump to the right one. Continue to the right. You will see two snowmen. Use either the Lightning Web (X) or the Double Jump (Zero) to jump higher and reach the upper-right edge. Defeat the weak enemies here and get a lot of energy capsules. If you have not taken damage, you should have one E-tank full at 50%. You should also get the life near the appearing and disappearing platforms. Return four times maximum to fill up your two E-tanks and get a good supply of lives. Note : For really tough fights (for example, Colonel and Sigma) and you have already used all your energy tanks, it might not be a good idea to pick up many lives. However, do it against the eight Mavericks once you meet them again, if you do not use tanks during the fight.

As X, go to Snow Base level and at the area before the ice slopes, jump on the side of the wall and use the Lightning Web. Dash in air to the web and then to higher ledge that you cannot see from the ledge you were on. There will be several health units and weapon units located there. Collect and leave, then repeat as needed.

As Zero, go to the beginning of Snow Base level. Double jump to a rock wall across from the wall behind you. Collect the lives and leave, then repeat as needed. Note: You can only get nine lives maximum.

As Zero, begin game play on the Cyberspace stage. Complete the first stage with a "S" rank. Collect the extra life, and repeat as needed.

As Zero, go to the Frost Beast stage. Get the two lives (one on the top and one on the bottom left). You can either die or exit and get the two extra lives again.

Zero's power attack
After gaining the Fire attack for Zero, just attack as you normally would except tap his slash attack two times and on the third time use his Fire attack.

Zero Sabre tricks
Raijingeki combo: Waiting for the Raijingeki to power up can be a hassle. Instead, you can press Attack, Special Attack to fire off the Rajingeki quickly. You can also press Attack(2), Special Attack.
Infinite slash: Press Attack, Dash, Attack, Dash continuously in quick succession to make Zero attack non-stop. Alternately, you can press Forward(2), Attack continuously to do a continuos 1-2 Slash.

Zero's combos
When you have Raijingeki, Ryuenjin, Hyouretsuzan and Shippuuga you can use this combo. First, slash once then use Raijingeki. After that use Shippuuga (Must Dash) then use Ryuenjin. Then, finish off with Hyouretsuzan. Note : This combo is only slightly effective on Boss but does lot more against an army of enemies.

After you have the Raijingeki, slash once and as soon as the slash ends, use Raijingeki for a very powerful combo.

Float in mid-air
Double cyclone is effective in the air since it stops X short and gives him a little more time and distance. Charge up rising fire and jump in the air. When you reach your highest point in your jump, release the charge. You will boost up for a double jump.

Chill Penguin appearance
Go to Frost Walrus' stage and proceed to the mid-Boss. You will see Chill Penguin frozen in an ice cube. Also, If you look closely in the background, you will see that the wall was broken. This is the exact stage in Mega Man X for

Spark Mandrill appearance
Start Frost Walrus's stage and look closely in the background. A big frozen Ice block frozen like Spark Mandrill.

Buffalo appearance
Get to the halfway Boss in the Frost Walruses stage to see the Buffalo from Megaman X3 in the background.

Enigma appearance
Go to web spiders' area. In the background you can see the Enigma from Megaman X5.

Megaman X: Ultimate X Buster Attack
When you want to destroy an enemy easily, hold [Attack] for a few seconds. Release [Attack] and he will blast a huge X Buster. The more energy MMX receives, the stronger his X Buster gets.

X: Secret weapon with the Jet Stingray attack
As X, when you use the Jet Stingray attack, you can press [Down] whenever you want to make it go down. When you press [Down] with the huge stingray attack (requires the plasma shot or the other arm upgrade), it goes across the screen while shooting smaller attacks vertically north and south. You can also shoot large boss attacks if you have a arm upgrade (plasma or the other one).

Zero: Saber Attack
Zero cannot recharge his weapon, but using his saber he can destroy enemies easily. Press [Dash] + [Attack] while striking an opponent. This will make Zero's saber attack stronger and faster.

Robot Ride Armor #1
The location of the first Robot Ride Armor is in the level with jets/planes. Keep going straight and you will find a blue Robot Ride Armor. You can easily destroy enemies with those.

Zero and MMX have different storylines in the game. The one that is most interesting is Zero's.

Character appearances
You might find characters from the original Megaman games on the backgrounds of this game.

Frost Walrus stage: Easy lives and energy
Go to Frost Walrus/Kibatodos stage. Then, dash jump towards the first wall on your left, then dash jump to the right one. Continue to the right. You will see two snowmen. Use either the Lightning Web (X) or the Double Jump (Zero) to jump higher and reach the upper-right edge. Defeat the weak enemies here and get a lot of energy capsules. If you have not taken damage, you should have one E-tank full at 50%. You should also get the life near the appearing and disappearing platforms. Return four times maximum to fill up your two E-tanks and get a good supply of lives. Note : For really tough fights (for example, Colonel and Sigma) and you have already used all your energy tanks, it might not be a good idea to pick up many lives. However, do it against the eight Mavericks once you meet them again, if you do not use tanks during the fight.

Frost Walrus stage: Easy heart
An easy way to get the heart is to shoot upwards with the Magma Dragoon Flame Upwards ability.

Magma Dragoon Stage: Fight Dragoon with Ride Armor
Once you get the Ride Armor and get to a point where you must jump out to proceed, do not jump. Just destroy the blocks in front of you to proceed to Dragoon. You will enter his stage and still have the Ride Armor. Jump onto the platform and fight him. You will be able to get him down to about half health before he destroys the Ride Armor.

===Chill Penguin appearance=== Go to Frost Walrus' stage and proceed to the mid-Boss. You will see Chill Penguin frozen in an ice cube. Also, If you look closely in the background, you will see that the wall was broken. This is the exact stage in ''Mega Man X'' for Chill Penguin.

Sigma appearance
In Storm Owl's stage, you can see Sigma's face appear in the middle of the city in the background.

Spark Mandrill appearance
Start Frost Walrus's stage and look closely in the background. A big frozen Ice block frozen like Spark Mandrill.

Buffalo appearance
Get to the halfway Boss in the Frost Walruses stage to see the Buffalo from Megaman X3 in the background.

Enigma appearance
Go to web spiders' area. In the background you can see the Enigma from Megaman X5.

Street Fighter Alpha 2 reference
In the first part of the introduction stage, The City, look in the background were the Capcom logo can be seen flashing. This is the same stage as Charlie fights in Street Fighter Alpha 2.

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