Nom du fichier : XCOM 2 Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO |
Advance with Caution: --------------------- When you come out of concealment, do it carefully. Running ahead is risky, since you could trigger an enemy encounter halfway through a turn, when you're not prepared. Keep a single character at the front of the group (the Ranger works best), and let the others tag behind by at least a square or two. Why take unnecessary risks when it's so easy to play things safe? The Advanced Warfare Chamber Is Terrific: ----------------------------------------- Are you having trouble deciding what facility to go for next? Make it the Advanced Warfare Chamber, which has a whole host of benefits. It nearly halves the time you'll have to wait for soldiers to heal, for starters, and there's also the chance it will grant them additional skills when they level up (from other character classes). That can work out in a number of ways, and there's a really good chance it will work in your favor. Try to get that facility early in your campaign to maximize its impact. Claim Continents: ----------------- If you can gain access to every region within a continent and then build a sufficient number of radio beacons (represented by small dots next to the map bonus), you'll gain a random bonus. The exact bonus changes from one play session to another, but you should always find it beneficial and worth pursuing. Scientists, Engineers, and Intel Are Your Friends: -------------------------------------------------- When you can choose between the rewards you receive, make sure you always go for Scientists, Engineers, or Intel. The first two options let you upgrade your troops and base more quickly, while Intel is useful for a variety of important reasons (including the links you need to establish with new regions). Avatar Project Delays: ---------------------- Once the Avatar project is completed, you'll be in a world of hurt if you're not prepared. However, you can delay things quite a bit. As the bar reaches its halfway point, complete Alien Facility missions to drop it by at least two points. Guerrilla Ops assignments can also provide a significant delay. That way, you'll have more time to research tech and unlock new stuff to give you a better chance as the end draws nigh. 1080p and Higher Display: ------------------------- * Go to C:\Users\???\Documents\My Games\XCOM2\XComGame\Config * Backup this file before making any changes * Open the XComEngine * Search and Change the ResX and ResY to your desired Resolution. * Save and Run the Game. Enjoy. Note: Do not make any changes in-game Settings unless you want to revert back. Save Game Location: ------------------- Please note that in XCOM 2, saves are not in the normal XCOM: EU place. You will discover all you saves in the directory "\Documents\My Games\XCOM2\XComGame\SaveData" i.e. it's not just "\games" but "MY GAMES". Mix It Up: ---------- Sure, you can bring along six squad members that fall within the same class, but that can prevent you from being able to take an effective approach when unexpected circumstances arrive. Instead, it's often safest to bring along a representative from each of the five available classes, along with a sixth character that belongs to the class you favor most. Cover Story: ------------ If you find yourself facing off against fortified enemies, remember that you can even the playing field by eliminating their cover. You can also destroy their footing, which could cause them to fall and take damage while also enduring the harm caused by the initial explosion. It's an especially good strategy when applied to nasty turrets. Black Market Caution: --------------------- You can now buy and sell more freely in the Black Market than you could in the previous game in the series, but there are downsides to that new freedom. You might easily sell resources that you'll need for various upgrades, and you might spend Intel too quickly when you should save it for emergencies. Think carefully before you buy or sell anything, to make sure you're working toward a long-term plan. Establish Resistance Contacts: ------------------------------ When you have additional resistance contacts, you gain extra funds and you may also obtain region-specific upgrades. Besides that, Alien Facility missions may spawn in those regions. If you haven't already gained access, that can prvent you from being able to proceed in the necessary manner, which seriously hampers your chances of victory. Manage your Home Base: ---------------------- Once you have the massive stolen alien ship, it is your duty to protect them from the aliens. Managing is not only protecting, but also build new rooms like the special room. Here you require clearing out the alien machinery and debris from the ship. Assign one of your engineer to clear out the room and free up space. You will also be awarded extra bonus and resources. Stop the Aliens: ---------------- Just like the predecessor you have to stop the Aliens from completing their project call 'Project Avatar'. This Project is for the end of the world and you need to stop it before the countdown. Here they simplest ways to stop the countdown is by assaulting an enemy facility or completing the Story Objective. While Assaulting the facility is very easy and brings down the progress bar instantly and you get the time to expand other regions and build more power. Terminate Sectoid: ------------------ Turn your Main goal to terminate all the Sectoid as these are also a threat to your squad. You must start this at a very early stage and whenever you get the opportunities to target them. You can find their corpse at the back of the base so once you are done taking down, head directly to the research lab. Now start helping Dr. Tygan to perform Sectoid Autopsy. This is a time-consuming process so if you want you can continue with side objectives until he finishes the work. Helping Hand and Research Psionic: ---------------------------------- Once Dr. Tygan has finished his research on Sectoid Autopsy, you can ask him to proceed with the research on Psionic and see what the outcome comes out to be. Well, this is also the same time-consuming process so if you want you can continue with side objectives until he informs you about the progress. How to Unlock Legendary Hero Characters: ---------------------------------------- * Open the Soldier Roster. * Select any soldiers to customise and change character info. * Here you need to enter one of the 'Legendary Hero' name in both the field (First and last name) exp. First = Sid and last name= Meier. * Once you save the name the hero will overwrite all the characteristics and abilities. * You Hero is Ready to Go. In game Cheat Codes -------------------- In order to input the cheats, you must activate the console command. First you have to add " -allowconsole" argument to your game on running. You can do it via steam by going to the game properties them click on Set Launch Options and write it in there then clicking. Ok and run the game. You also can set it via a shortcut of the game, Simply make space after " then write -allowconsole then click Ok button and run the game from the shortcut. Now we have the console running and started the game and went into a load save or started a new game and loaded into game click the '^' or '~' button on keyboard and a console should open. Enter One of the Following Cheats and Press Enter to Activate the Cheat. -= List of Cheat Codes/ Console Commands=- Note: XX = Number you need to Enter(For eg. giveresource EleriumCore 10000) -=Cheats For Items=- giveresource EleriumCore XX giveresource CorpseSectoid XX giveresource CorpseAdventTrooper XX giveresource CorpseAdventOfficer XX giveresource CorpseAdventStunLancer XX giveresource CorpseAdventShieldbearer XX giveresource CorpseFaceless XX giveresource CorpseViper XX giveresource CorpseBerserker XXXXX giveresource CorpseArchon XXXXX -=Cheats For Resources=- giveresource supplies XX giveresource AlienAlloy XX giveresource EleriumDust XX giveresource Intel XX giveengineer 1 givescientist 1 GiveFacility OTS GiveFacility Foundry GiveFacility PsiLabs GiveFacility EleriumGenerator -=Cheats For Strategy=- PowerUp - Makes All units invincible, unlimited ammo TakeNoDamage – Bypass any SetHitPoint calls, rendering all units invincible PsiLevel (n) – (n= 0,1 and 2) SetStratagyFacilitiesSuperSpree [on, off] – build all facilities from the start, free, insta build SetStrategyFacilitiesUnlockAll [on, off] – allow player to build all facilities SetStratagyFacilitiesFree [on, off] – makes facility builds free SetStratagyFacilitiesInstantBuild [on, off] – instant facility build -=Mix Cheats=- SetMonth 6 GiveFacility OTS GiveFacility Foundry GiveFacility PsiLabs GiveFacility EleriumGenerator GiveCash 20000 GiveItem Elerium115 1000 GiveItem AlienAlloys 1000 GiveItem WeaponFragment 1000 GiveResource Engineers 50 GiveResource Scientists 50 GiveTech Xenobiology GiveTech WeaponFragments GiveTech AlienMaterials GiveTech PsiLabs GiveTech Exp_Warfare GiveTech Elerium GiveTech PsiArmor GiveTech Armor_Skeleton GiveTech Armor_Titan GiveTech Armor_Ghost GiveTech Armor_ArchAngel GiveTech Plasma_Pistol GiveTech Plasma_Rifle GiveTech Plasma_Heavy GiveTech Plasma_Sniper GiveTech Alloy_Cannon GiveTech BlasterLauncher GiveTech InterrogateSectoid GiveTech InterrogateFloater GiveTech InterrogateMuton GiveTech InterrogateSectoidCommander GiveTech InterrogateBerserker GiveTech InterrogateThinMan GiveTech InterrogateHeavyFloater GiveTech InterrogateMutonElite GiveTech InterrogateEthereal GiveTech AutopsySectoid GiveTech AutopsyFloater GiveTech AutopsyThinMan GiveTech AutopsyMuton GiveTech AutopsyCryssalid GiveTech AutopsyZombie GiveTech AutopsyCyberdisc GiveTech AutopsyBerserker GiveTech AutopsyHeavyFloater GiveTech AutopsyMutonElite GiveTech AutopsyDrone GiveTech AutopsySectopod GiveTech AutopsyEthereal GiveTech AutopsyMechtoid GiveTech AutopsySeeker Levelupbarracks 7 GiveItem PlasmaPistol 6 GiveItem PlasmaAssaultRifle 6 GiveItem AlloyCannon 6 GiveItem HeavyPlasma 6 GiveItem PlasmaSniperRifle 6 GiveItem BlasterLauncher 6 GiveItem MecKineticArm 6 GiveItem MecFlameThrower 6 GiveItem MecGrenadeLauncher 6 GiveItem MecRestorativeMist 6 GiveItem MecElectroPulse 6 GiveItem MecProximityMineLauncher 6 GiveItem ParticleBeam 6 GiveItem ArmorSkeleton 6 GiveItem ArmorTitan 6 GiveItem ArmorArchangel 6 GiveItem ArmorGhost 6 GiveItem ArmorPsi 6 GiveItem Medikit 6 GiveItem CombatStims 6 GiveItem ChitinPlating 6 GiveItem ArcThrower 6 GiveItem FlashBang 6 GiveItem GhostGrenade 6 GiveItem GasGrenade 6 GiveItem NeedleGrenade 6 GiveItem AlienGrenade 6 GiveItem TargetingModule 6 GiveItem SHIV_Hover 1 GiveItem SHIVPlasma 1 GiveItem SHIVDeck_III 1 GiveItem MecArmor3_Flamethrower_Grenade_ProximityMine 1 GiveItem SectoidCorpse 10 GiveItem SectoidCommanderCorpse 10 GiveItem FloaterCorpse 10 GiveItem FloaterHeavyCorpse 10 GiveItem ThinManCorpse 10 GiveItem MutonCorpse 10 GiveItem MutonEliteCorpse 10 GiveItem BerserkerCorpse 10 GiveItem CyberdiscCorpse 10 GiveItem EtherealCorpse 10 GiveItem CryssalidCorpse 10 GiveItem SectopodCorpse 10 GiveItem DroneCorpse 10 GiveFacility OTS GiveItem AlienAlloys 50 GiveItem WeaponFragment 25 GiveResource Engineers 15 GiveResource Scientists 15 GiveTech Xenobiology GiveTech WeaponFragments GiveTech AlienMaterials GiveTech AutopsySectoid GiveTech Laserweapons GiveTech Armor_Carapace GiveTech InterrogateSectoid Levelupbarracks 3 GiveItem Medikit 3 GiveItem TargetingModule 3 GiveItem LaserAssaultRifle 3 GiveItem LaserPistol 6 GiveItem ArmorCarapace 6 GiveFacility OTS GiveItem AlienAlloys 50 GiveItem WeaponFragment 25 GiveResource Engineers 15 GiveResource Scientists 15 GiveTech Xenobiology GiveTech WeaponFragments GiveTech AlienMaterials GiveTech AutopsySectoid GiveTech Laserweapons GiveTech Armor_Carapace GiveTech InterrogateSectoid Levelupbarracks 5 GiveItem Medikit 3 GiveItem TargetingModule 3 GiveItem LaserAssaultRifle 3 GiveItem LaserPistol 6 GiveItem ArmorCarapace 6 GiveTech Armor_Skeleton GiveTech Armor_Titan GiveTech Plasma_Pistol GiveTech Plasma_Rifle GiveTech InterrogateFloater GiveTech InterrogateMuton GiveTech PrecisionLasers GiveTech AutopsyThinMan GiveTech AutopsyMuton GiveTech AutopsyCryssalid GiveTech AutopsyZombie GiveItem PlasmaPistol 6 GiveItem PlasmaAssaultRifle 6 GiveItem ArmorSkeleton 6 GiveItem ArmorTitan 6 GiveItem CombatStims 6 GiveItem ChitinPlating 6 GiveItem AlienGrenade 6 GiveItem TargetingModule 6 GiveTech PrecisionLasers GiveTech HeavyLasers GiveItem HeavyLaser 3 GiveItem LaserSniperRifle 3 GiveItem LaserAssaultGun GiveFacility OTS GiveItem AlienAlloys 50 GiveItem WeaponFragment 25 GiveResource Engineers 15 GiveResource Scientists 15 GiveTech Xenobiology GiveTech WeaponFragments GiveTech AlienMaterials GiveTech AutopsySectoid GiveTech Laserweapons GiveTech Armor_Carapace GiveTech Armor_Skeleton GiveTech InterrogateSectoid GiveTech ArcThrower GiveTech PrecisionLasers GiveTech HeavyLasers Levelupbarracks 4 GiveItem Medikit 3 GiveItem TargetingModule 3 GiveItem ArcThrower 1 GiveItem LaserAssaultRifle 3 GiveItem LaserSniperRifle 3 GiveItem HeavyLaser 3 GiveItem LaserAssaultGun 3 GiveItem LaserPistol 6 GiveItem ArmorCarapace 6 GiveItem ArmorSkeleton 3 ExaltBeginSimulation ExaltGiveNextClue ExaltGiveNextClue ExaltGiveNextClue ForceMission_URB_HighwayConstruction_CaptureandHold ExaltDebugPrint How to Remove the Intro Videos: ------------------------------- Normally if you start the game it takes 15+ seconds to load the main menu and the main reason behind this is the Intro Video which is very time-consuming. When you have only limited time to play then this video becomes irritating so let's just remove it out permanently. -=Trick 1=- * Go to the following location: * C:\Program Files (x86)\Steamsteamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Config\ * Make a backup of the File "XCOMEngine.ini" * Now open the same file with any text editor. * Locate "StartupMovies" Line and then Delete the Following Lines. StartupMovies=X2_2KFXS_Logos StartupMovies=X2_Logo StartupMovies=UE3TechLogo_XC2 StartupMovies=XC2_LegalScreen StartupMovies=Black * Save the File and Load the game. * Now you only have to wait for just seven seconds instead of fifteen seconds to play XCOM 2. -=Trick 2=- * Right Click you Game and Select Properties. * Click on the 'Set Launch Options' Tab. * Enter "-nostartupmovies" * Save and exit. * Play Xcom 2 without intro cinematics. How to exchange Characters: --------------------------- Character Pool is the section where you create a custom character, edit their names, appearance, roles and so on. Create a good Powerful Beast and once you have created your character ready you must tick the box which says 'Export Selection'. This section makes sure that your character will be ready to export. Now Exit the game and navigate to the following location to find you custom create character: "C:\Users\?????\Documents\My Games\XCOM2\XComGame\CharacterPool\Importable\CharacterName" Now that you have you character copy, upload them on Mediafire or email you, friends. let them Download it and have fun with your characters. How to Import Character: ------------------------ Download and paste that .bin file in the same location from where we exported the file. "C:Users\?????\Documents\My Games\XCOM2\XComGame\CharacterPool\Importable\CharacterName" Start the game and go to Character Pool section where you will select Import Character option. Choose the similar name which you received the file. Import all the characters from that pool or the one which you want. |