LEGO Star Wars : The Force Awakens Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : LEGO Star Wars : The Force Awakens Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO

Cheat Codes:

Pause the game, select the "Extras" option, and choose the "Input Code"
selection. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the
corresponding cheat function:

Result Code
Caluan Ematt - 26F2CF
Chief Petty Officer Unamo - 2DZXDM
Crokind Shand - BQPKPA
Dasha Promenti - BJZA6F
Flametrooper - LRYUBB
FN-2112 - 4T3UNK
FN-2187 (no helmet) - 3RRVAV or BA3MV3
Goss Toowers - QZTZX9
GTAW-74 "Geetaw" - 2YU4NX
Guavian Security Soldier - C73CNV
Hoogenz - V3H6RU
Jessika Pava - SBUSCW
Kaydel Ko Connix - 9FJKF4
Korr Sella - NGSEKH
Lt. Bastian - XQZ7C6
Mi'no Teest - GBE8ZC
Monn Tatth - A5JR9V
Nien Nunb - P8KXSA
Major Brance - Q8KRC6
Officer Shimitsu - GVNBWB
Oskus Stooratt - K6JXJT
Quinar - A4EHFJ
Snap Wexley - HTN3RD
Teedo - CP6ETU
Special Forces Tie Pilot - 59J67X
Trentus Savay - 638FNX
Unkar Thug - YABPYU
Wollivan - J3GMHE
Hobin Carsamba - E889GQ

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