Star Trek : Bridge Crew Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Star Trek : Bridge Crew Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO

Cheat Codes:
* Turn on the navigation information on the main display (the slider in the
lower right on the left screen) and use the heading number when directing
* The only 4 things that affect your signature are anomalies (-1/2 total),
active torp launchers (+10km), active shields (+10km), and traveling
faster than 4000 speed (+10km). Pip allocation itself doesn't matter but
it's easiest to cap engines at 4 for stealth so there's no oopsie unless
you really trust your helm. The normal minimum distance you can be
detected at is 10km.
* Your helm needs to know the status of anomalies and whether or not they
can go through them safely. Anomalies show up in helm plot but not the
type, so you'll have to relay the info verbally after tactical scans
* Remember to coordinate alpha strikes and phaser recharge with tactical
and engineering! Yelling at tactical to "kill it! kill it!" doesn't
make your weapons recharge any faster.
* Shields recharge to full 115 seconds after being lowered no matter the
pip allocation. It's up to you to judge this timing in your head,
because if you raise them too early you'll just reset this timer!
Keep on top of shield strength and the raising/lowering of shields.
* Be encouraging and calm even when everything is going poorly.
* The better your crew, the less you'll be doing.

* Phaser pips increase both range AND damage but not recharge speed. Your
primary responsibility is fidding with phasers for range and damage,
maxing it out with re-route when it's time to fire and dropping back
down to 1 when you're recharging.
* Engine pips increase maximum speed, turn radius, and the up/down dodge
speed that helm uses to dodge incoming torpedoes. You'll need at least
2 pips in engine to dodge the torpedoes so only giving 1 pip and re-
routing all engine power to phasers caps your max speed at 500 and
your turn radius becomes garbage. This completely gimps your helm so
try to avoid it except when alpha striking.aff
* Shield pips are resistance to damage. They reduce on-hit damage only.
They don't affect lowered shields or shield recharge rate.
* Enemies or mines may appear with little or no warning so it's best to
have energy in phasers for range unless you are in combat and they are
actively recharging.
* You can minigame it up as engineer to your heart's content. For example,
try a generic combat re-route of right-left-right from the top
(5 pip engine -> shields, 4 pip engine -> phaser, 3 pip engine -> shields).
Then put engines 2, and shields either 4 or 5 (depending on incoming fire).
This gives you 2-3 pips of extra effectiveness and allows maneuvering
even while giving a shield resistance of 5. You'll get about a minute
before you have to reset it (a yellow bar fills up on one of the pips
you have allocated).Sometimes you can ignore the damage it if say the
4th or 5th pip engine is taking damage. Who cares! You aren't using it
anyway. You can always re-route power from shield/phasers if you have
to charge warp coils.
* Red re-route damage heals twice as fast as yellow, but once a node is
in the red it can't be used for anything. This can block nodes above it,
so if you damage the 2nd phaser node you can't allocate more than 1
power to phasers until it's healed. This makes re-route-and-forget kinda
risky. You'll also continue to take damage during impulse and warp, so
reset re-routes when traveling.

* ALWAYS plot an impulse exit first thing after entering a system. Just
in case. If you get swarmed, you'll have to retreat and come back in
and it's best to know what direction you'll need to point in advance.
You aren't going to be able to take 3+ ships on your own, so kill one
then book it to let your shields/phasers recharge and only then come
back for revenge.
* You can dodge incoming torps with up/down, but only if you've got 2+
pips of engine. Communicate this to your engineer.
* You'll have to dodge asteroids and general debris and it won't show up
on your map, so avoid tunnel vision on your console and watch the big
viewscreen as well.
* When you are trying to be stealthy, you'll need to stay more than 10km
away from enemies. Traveling over 4000 speed increases your signature.
Some anomalies will mask your signature even farther, so look for
anomalies to duck into!

* Always Be Scanning. Scan anomalies. Scan everything. Scan range is
normally 30km but the closer you are the faster it goes. Scans only
happen when you have the scan target selected but will auto-continue
when switching away and then back. Start scans on a secondary target
and switch to them when you aren't actively firing at your current
target. Only scan the subsystem you care about (generally weapons)
or it'll take 3x as long.
* Coordinate tactical and engineering to overcharge your phasers (5 pips
+ re-route engine power), empty the phaser banks, then drop back down
to 1 pip during the ~30s recharge. This is an absolute must. If you
do nothing else as engineer or tactical, DO THIS.
* If you're quick on the trigger you can shoot enemies who warp or
decloak while they are raising shields. Prioritize them immediately.
It takes them 10 seconds to raise their shields, just like it takes
* Resist mashing the fire phasers button as soon as you have a little
energy. Seriously, just don't do it. Coordinate 100% of the time
with engineering and expect them to take a few seconds to fully
re-route power.
* You can fire phasers outside enemy detection range to get a bunch of
free hits in. They won't retaliate if they can't see you but they
will start hunting. You'll want to keep shields down for this until
the last second.
* Enable torps at the start of the round to charge them before
disabling them again. They'll stay armed and ready for when you need
them fast.
* Torps do reduced damage to shields. Use them as finishers once shields
are down or before they are raised.

_=Secondary Systems
* Generally you'll want to disable enemy weapons on the strongest ship
unless you're against a solo and you think you can get an alpha
strike of phaser+torps through their shields to destroy them in one
go (smaller birds of prey only, larger ships have stronger hulls).
Remember that it takes a few seconds for the intrusion to become
active (look for the ! triangle), so start it before their attack
run, not during.
* The only time you want to subsystem target phasers (solid beam
rather than burst) is when the mission demands it or you're up
against a real strong enemy. Then, take out either his weapons or
his shields (depending on how strong your own shields are). Solid
beam does very little hull damage compared to burst, which is why
you don't want to use it often.
* You can NOT teleport through intruded shields. You'll need to drop
them manually then fire on the subsystem to keep them down.
* You can have multiple intrusions going at once if you back out and
bounce the subsystem between people, just back out of it to the main
teleporter/intrusion menu once you activate.
* The general wisdom is for engineer to handle teleporters and
tactical to handle intrusion, but a lot of the time tactical has too
much on their plate and engineering not enough so feel free to

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