Tomboys Need Love Too! - CHeat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Tomboys Need Love Too! - CHeat Codes - Author: ANO

* Deflect
* So you DID find something?
* Your cheerful disposition
* Save 1
* Sophie's Lying
* It's about Sophie
* I'll be the judge of that
* Let Chris have her way
* Back up Sophie's story
* The past doesn't matter
* Save 2
* Push Sophie away

* Load Save 2
* Say nothing

* Load Save 1
* Sophie's mistaken about what she saw
* It's about Sophie
* I'll be judge of that
* Let Chris have her way
* Back up Sophie's story
* Accept Sophie's invitation
* Save 3
* Go take care of Chris

* Load Save 3
* Have fun with Sophie
* Save 4
* Keep Going

* Load Save 4
* Stop here.

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