Mega Man 11 Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Mega Man 11 Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO

Easy boss fights and weakness:
To easily defeat all Robot Masters, simply fight the bosses in the following
order, collect their weapons, and use those weapons on the next boss on the

Acid Man (Weakness: Block)
Impact Man (Weakness: Acid)
Bounce Man (Weakness: Impact)
Fuse Man (Weakness: Bounce)
Tundra Man (Weakness: Fuse)
Torch Man (Weakness: Tundra)
Blast Man (Weakness: Torch)
Block Man (Weakness: Blast)

After defeating the eight Robot Masters, you will unlock the final Fortress
stages, and fight Dr. Wily. These bosses have the following unique weaknesses:

Wily's Fortress Stage 1: Use the Buster against the eye.
Wily's Fortress Stage 2: Use Fuse on the exterior, and Impact in the center.
Wily Boss Battle Stage 1: Use fully-charged Blast.
Wily Boss Battle Stage 2: Use Fuse from below.

Easy bolts:
At the start of Blockman's stage, you will reach a raised platform. Just after
two slow-moving enemies spawn, two more will spawn ahead. From this raised
platform, you can simply run back and forth, respawning each set of small
enemies. They are very easy to kill, and you can just keep running back and
forth to keep them spawning infinitely. Repeat this trick as many times as
desired. Note: Purchase the Bolt Catcher in Dr. Light's Lab as early as
possible. This item causes bolts to appear more frequently in stages.
Go to Wily Stage 2, then reach the second room. There is a conveyor belt with
three enemy spawners. Enemies will continuously spawn from three generators.
A fourth enemy will also spawn from the ceiling. Just let a dozen or so
enemies spawn, then kill them all with charged shots. The power-ups and
bolts will drop onto the conveyor belt and slide over to Mega Man.
Repeat this as many times as desired.

Weaknesses Chart:
-=Robot Masters=-
Boss – Weak Against – Gives You
Block Man – Chain Blast – Block Dropper
Acid Man – Block Dropper – Acid Barrier
Impact Man – Acid Barrier – Pile Driver
Bounce Man – Pile Driver – Bounce Ball
Fuse Man – Bounce Ball – Scramble Thunder
Tundra Man – Scramble Thunder – Tundra Storm
Torch Man – Tundra Storm – Blazing Torch
Blast Man – Blazing Torch – Chain Blast

Boss – Weak Against
Mini Boss 2(Acid Man) – Block Dropper + Power Gear
Mini Boss 3(Impact Man) – Block Dropper + Power Gear
Mini Boss 4(Bounce Man) – Pile Driver + Power Gear or Block Dropper + Power Gear

Boss – Weak Against
Yellow Devil MK-III – Chain Blast or Mega Buster
Mawverne – Bounce Ball
Wily Machine 11 – Chain Blast or Acid Barrier
Wily Capsule – Acid Barrier or Scramble Thunder

Infinite weapon energy:
Successfully complete the game to unlock the Awakening Chip for purchase in the
shop for 3,000 bolts. The Awakening Chip gives unlimited weapon energy.

Infinite double gear time:
Successfully complete the game to unlock the Cooling System for purchase in the
shop for 3,000 bolts. The Cooling System gives unlimited double gear time.

Infinite lives:
Go to Dr. Light's lab and purchase a Mystery Tank, then go to Acid Man's stage
and shoot the first spider twice with the Mega Buster. This will cause it to
spawn six mini-spider bots. After they land, immediately open the menu and
select the Mystery Tank for all eight of the spiders to transform into 1-ups.
Repeat this as many times as desired.

How to Unlock Post-Game Hidden Shop Items:
There are some unlockable items hidden in the in-game shop that become unlocked by
finishing the game’s story mode to the end (this includes defeating Dr. Wily).
Once you have achieved this the hidden items in the shop will become available to
buy at a price of 3000 Bolts.

-=Awakening Chip (Infinite)=-
Infinite Weapon Energy for completing the game.

-=Cooling System (Infinite)=-
Infinite Double Gear Time for completing the game.

-=Unlock Hidden Shop Items=-
There are some unlockable items hidden in the in-game shop. Instead of finding them
in the levels they become unlocked by doing random tasks. These hidden items and their
correspondig task are listed below.

-=Awakening Chip and Cooling System Infinite=-
Beat Dr. Wily

-=Buster Plus Chip=-
Fire the Mega Buster 500 times (250 on Beginner).

-=Capsule Catcher:
Deplete a special weapon’s energy or Rush energy 30 times.

-=Cooling System=-
Use the Double Gear System 100 times (50 on Beginner).

-=Energy Balancer Neo=-
Buy the Energy Balancer.

-=Energy Catcher=-
Get 10 Game Overs/Play the game on the Beginner difficulty.

-=Pierce Protector=-
Get killed by spikes 5 times.

-=Power Shield=-
Take 200 points of damage in total (100 on Beginner).

-=Screw Catcher=-
Set the system’s clock so that it’s Saturday.

-=Speed Gear Booster=-
Use the Speed Gear at least 50 times (25 on Beginner).

Pile Driver:
Pile Driver is Impact Man's special weapon that once Mega Man obtains he gains
a special Dash ability that allows him to quickly dash over many hazards and enemies, or through them.

Rush Coil:
You get this Rush ability by default at the start of the game. When used Rush will appear and a coil platform will emerge from his body which can be ued to propel Mega Man to higher areas by jumping on the coil. As long as you have any amount of Rush Meter you will be able to summon Rush.

Ball Bounce:
Bounce Ball is Bounce Man's Special Weapon and after obtaining it, Mega Man can fire a volley of three bouncy balls. The Ball Bounce is particularly effective against some of the tougher foes in the game, including Press Dons and Mawverne, one of the final bosses.

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