StarCraft: Remastered Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : StarCraft: Remastered Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Press enter during gameplay to bring up a message prompt.
Type in the following codes to get the desired effect.

Cheat Code Effect
show me the money - 10,000 Minerals and Gas.
whats mine is mine - 500 Crystals.
breathe deep - 500 Vespene Gas.
medieval man - All Research Abilities.
modify the phase variance - Build Anything.
staying alive - Continue Playing After Win.
ophelia - Enable Mission Select.
noglues - Enemy Can’t Use Psionic Storm.
operation cwal - Faster Building
Also affects enemy A.I. players.
the gathering - Free Unit Spells/Abilities.
something for nothing - Free Upgrades.
radio free zerg - Hidden zerg song, sung by the Overmind
need the Brood War expansion and only
works when playing as Zerg.
game over man - Instant Loss.
there is no cow level – Instant Win.
power overwhelming – Invincible Units.
war aint what it used to be - No Fog of War.
food for thought - No Supply Limit.
protoss# (# mission) - Protoss Level Skip.
black sheep wall - Reveal Entire Map.
terran# (# mission) - Terran Level Skip.
zerg# (# mission) - Zerg Level Skip.

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