Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips for Mortals:
Written by DFfan555

These are just some things I came up with while playing this game so far.

-=General Tips=-
* While under speed boost, bananas won't stun you, so you can just run through them.
* If you're being chased by Chef Monkeys/Phantom Malak and you have Primal Fear/Evan's
ultimate ready, you can stun them and let the boss deal with them
(you can also stun them on traps).
* You can run through the player monster, so if a power monster is guarding the portal
and they miss their heavy attack, you can run through them to the portal.
* Listen for the monsters footsteps, as it will give away their location.

-=Against Power Monsters=-
* Power monsters can one shot every mortal except for Vince with a heavy attack,
so watch out.
* There is nothing you can do if they cut you off or ambush you, unless you have
stuns prepared.
* Power monsters are the slowest, so every mortal can outrun them (except for Vince).
* They can catch up if they have a speed boost.
* Power monsters in Stranger Sewers are really easy to deal with.

-=Against Balanced Monsters=-
* They can catch up to you given enough time, so watch out.
* They can still catch up to you if both of you are using speed boosts.

-=Against Agatha=-
* Speed in general once more speed monsters come out.
* You are not outrunning an Agatha.
* Agatha can still keep up if you are using speed boost.
* Agatha can outrun you if both of you have speed boost.
* Agatha deals the lowest damage out of all the monsters, so it is easy to make
a break for the portal if she is guarding it.
* If you are going to die, whittle her health down as she has the lowest hp of all
* Vince can easily kill an inexperienced Agatha.

* You can still get stunned by bananas if you are using your ultimate.
* You are the fastest mortal, so shard collecting is your thing.
* Use your ultimate if you are backed in a corner.

* You are the slowest out of all the mortals, even power monsters can catch up.
* You have the most health out of all the mortals, enough to survive one heavy
attack from a power monster.
* Ultimate is more of a deterrent rather than an excuse to try to fist fight a monster.
* You can 1v1 an inexperienced Agatha.
* You can still die when you have your ultimate up.
* You can kill a monster if you get lucky enough to get 3 Primal Fears.

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