Stoneshard Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Stoneshard Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips & Tricks for Beginners:
Written by 0xBADCOFFEE

This is a guide detailing all I discover while playing Stoneshard, should
be a great read for a beginner player but will, hopefully, contain valuable
tips for experienced travelers as well.

-=Tips & Tricks for Beginners=-
So you’ve just cleared the prologue dungeon and you’re ready for adventure
uh? Here’s a bunch of things you should know:

You can only save the game in INNs, so plan your exploration trips accordingly

Sometimes there are multiple ways to interact with objects, don’t forget to
right click to see the options!

Replenish food and water whenever you can, to refill your water supply right
click on on any source of water and you’ll get both a drink and a refill option.

Remember that you can heal by resting, right click on yourself and select rest!

Keep a look at your HP bar, if you can’t heal all your HP back because the bar
looks capped before the max level you have one or more body parts that need
to be treated with balms, leeches or other healing items

LOOK AT YOUR MAP! You should have a map in the inventory, I missed it my first
time around and spent more time I’m comfortable admitting roaming around
getting ganked by bears and wolves. The map doesn’t tell you where you are,
use roads and other unique places to figure out where you are if you get lost.

Always travel diagonally in the overworld. The map is divided in squares, so
by traveling diagonally you travel x1.7 times faster than going in a straight
line (it’s math!) by going at the corner of a screen you can easily travel to
the next diagonal screen by going left/right one screen then immediately
up/down the other screen.

It’s end. I hope “Stoneshard Tips & Tricks for Beginners” helps you.

How to Skip Prologue:
Written by Hammer of Sigmar

-=Step 1=-
Search for location, hidden files must be displayed:

-=Step 2=-
Just create a file: "account.ini"
Note: It can be empty!

How to Edit Savefiles to Customize Experience:
Written by Begoneeth

In this guide, I'll teach you how to eddit your starting game savefiles to
customize your experience.

-=Making the Thing=-
The first step is pretty simple. You need to launch Stoneshard, get through
Verren's speech, and pick your character. That's it. Time for step two.

-=Finding the Thing=-
The second step is finding where all this stuff is located. For me, i have
a windows computer, so I'm going to follow these steps.

Type in %appdata% into your search bar.
Click on it.
Go to the base folder AppData.
Go to Local.
Go to Stoneshard.
Click on Characters.
Find the Character you want to edit.
Congratulations, you've found the thing! On to step three!

-=Editing the Thing=-
Now that you've found the character file, you'll first want to go into
"character.sav". It may look intimidating, but CTRL+F is your friend. You
can find just about every stat you need in here, so I wont bother to list
them all. If you need to find one that isn't what we're looking for, try
common sense, then put it in the comments and I might be able to help.

The stat we're looking for is called "Received_XP". This will change how much
xp we get without editing every single monster's xp drops. change it to
whatever you want, with 100.000000 being 100% and something like 264.000000
being 264%.

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