Nom du fichier : Mars Underground Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Walkthrough: ------------ Written by Kilgore Trout -=Intro=- The day is made up of ten time periods: * Early morning * Morning * Late morning * Midday * Early afternoon * Afternoon * Late afternoon * Early night * Night * Late night You can take your "medication" at any time to restart the day. This game is highly non-linear. The endings can be discovered in any order. Opening Up The Game World Your Sister is Annoying Return home while it is empty (after "late morning" but before "early night.") Go into Helga's room and take her diary. You can now show the diary to Helga while you are at school and she will go home and leave you alone.Note: If you show the diary to Helga at home during "morning" it will be taken off you. -=Stay Home=- You will need several items of food from Meaty Bites. You can go there (the shop is in Phobos Central) and buy some or alternatively find some at school. -=Sleep in=- At home during "morning" keep eating Meaty Bites food until you throw up. -=Wake Up Early=- You will need to have completed "Stay Home" to be able to get to the Dwarf Mart before the coffee machine is broken. Go to the Dwarf Mart at Pac Street before midday. Use the coffee machine and buy a cup of coffee ($3). You can now drink some coffee at the start of each day to get up during "early morning." -=Mum's Car=- You will need to have completed "Wake Up Early" and have the cup of coffee. Return home while it is empty (after "late morning" but before "early night.") Go into your mum's room and take her car keys. Go to the Library at Phobos Central while it is open ("late morning" to "late afternoon.") Search the shelves until you find the "how to drive" book. Reset the timeloop by taking your medication. Drink some coffee to wake up. Leave your house and go to the car in the driveway. Use the car keys and the "how to drive" book. -=Flush Yourself=- You will need to have completed "Mum's Car." During "afternoon" go out into the courtyard at school. You will see Nikki, Shorty Jr and Jimmy. Approach them. After the scene ends Nikki will hand you the "helmet of protection." Alternatively, go to the the school at any time from "late afternoon" or later and you will find the "helmet of protection" out the front. Drive to Ptolemy Park. Wait at the seat until "early afternoon." Wear the "helmet of protection." Enter the park. Go to the strength test machine. Try the game, you will not be able to win but you will gain the topic "strength tester." Go to school, go to your gym class during "early afternoon." If you haven't eaten breakfast today do so now. Finish the class, you will unlock the topic "Joan: the fittest and strongest." Talk to Joan. She is in the gym at school during "early afternoon" and "afternoon." She can also be found running laps at Phobos Central during "late afternoon," "early night" and "night." Tell her about the "strength tester." She will travel to Ptolemy Park, win the "golden toilet brush" and give it to you. Use the "golden toilet brush" to clean the toilets around the game world. You can flush yourself directly between cleaned toilets. The magical cleaning is so good that the effect lasts through time and space (cleaned toilets remain cleaned after resetting the day.) Toilets can be found at: 109 Pac Street (Home), 113 Pac Street, 114 Pac Street, Phobos High, Ptolemy Park, Police Station, Boom Hole. Ending: Getting Run Over by a Car Walk in front of a car. Moving cars can be found on the road outside the front of the school and at Pac Street. Ending: Putting Something Disgusting in the Recycling Chute at Meaty Bites Go to the school courtyard. Pick up the suspicious looking brown rocks. Ahh no. That wasn't a rock, it was some poo. This is what you get when you "leave no stone unturned." Go to Meaty Bites at Phobos Central. Put the poo in the recycling chute. Ending: Making Shorty Homicidally Angry Go to school during "late morning." Walk into the hallway and up to Shorty Jr and Nikki. Choose "Do you have a problem?," "Go to hell," "You're making me angry." Shorty Jr will hit you and be taken away by Principal Judy. Go out the front of the school during "midday," "early afternoon," "afternoon" or "late afternoon." Shorty will warn you to make yourself scarce. Alternatively, you can also find Shorty and Shorty Jr at Pac Street during "afternoon" or "late afternoon." They also will appear at Meaty Bites during "late afternoon." They will not appear at these locations again if you have already encountered them. Attempt to enter The Boom Hole at Phobos Central during "early night" or "night." Shorty is the bouncer, he will kick you out and warn you not to go back in there again. Go back in there again. Ending: Dying of Starvation in Gym Class Do not eat anything this day. Go to school, go to your gym class during "early afternoon." Continue with the class until you collapse. Ending: Meeting Up With Krystal Approach Shorty Jr and Krystal at Pac Street during "late afternoon." Alternatively, they can also be found at Dwarf Mart during "early night." Do not hit Shorty Jr. Choose either "..." or "I'm fine." Krystal will give you a friendship bracelet. Take your medication and reset the timeloop. Talk to Krystal at the front of the school during "late morning" and show her the friendship bracelet. Alternatively, you can also talk to her in the school courtyard during "midday." Her favourite movie is "A Knightley Romance." If you have seen the movie you will have the highlighted dialogue options beginning with "Listen, my dear." If you have not seen the movie yet then go to Deimos Cinemas at Phobos Central and watch "A Knightley Romance." Reset the timeloop and talk to Krystal at school again. Krystal will ask you to meet her at Phobos Central after school. Go to Phobos Central. Krystal will be waiting for you from "late afternoon" in the beach area by the water. Talk to her. Select any option other than "..." Ending: See the Right Version of that "The Lost Kitten" Movie Go to the Library at Phobos Central while it is open ("late morning" to "late afternoon.") Search the shelves until you find the "quantum physics" book. Go to Deimos Cinemas at Phobos Central and see "Zombie Highway." You will receive the topic "brain pills?" Go to the Dwarf Mart at Pac Street and buy some brain pills from Mr Bert. During "late morning" go to your school class in room 1A. Take a brain pill and "explain quantum physics by reading book." Go to Deimos Cinemas at Phobos Central and see "The Lost Kitten." Note: You do not need to do this in the same cycle. Ending: Taking Too Many Brain Pills Go to the Library at Phobos Central while it is open ("late morning" to "late afternoon.") Search the shelves until you find the "quantum physics" book. Go to Deimos Cinemas at Phobos Central and see "Zombie Highway." You will receive the topic "brain pills?" Go to the Dwarf Mart at Pac Street and buy some brain pills from Mr Bert. Take some brain pills. Take some more. And some more. "I should not take any more of these." Take some more. Ending: Getting Zapped When Walking in to Ptolemy Park You will need to be able to get to Ptolemy Park (see "Flush Yourself" for instructions.) Try to walk into Ptolemy Park without wearing a "helmet of protection." Ending: Getting caught by the military at Ptolemy Park You will need to have completed "Flush Yourself." Flush yourself into Ptolemy park before midday. Wear a "helmet of protection." Walk up to one of the army guys. Ending: Look Up at the Loon-R-Festival You will need to have completed "Flush Yourself." Go to the stage area at Ptolemy Park during "night." "Look up." Ending: Getting "Hey Eddie!" Back Together You will need to have completed "Flush Yourself." Go to school classroom 2A during "early afternoon." If you have your sister's diary you can show it to her and she will leave. Alternatively, you can show it to her earlier at school. You could also have gotten her sent home from school during the encounter with Shorty Jr and Nikki in the hallway. If you snuck out of home before "morning" and didn't return she will be still at home waiting for you. Are you in the right class? "I think so." Do you know what class this is (it says on the sign outside)? "Music." You will gain the topic "Franz Burger's music." Reset the timeloop, return to classroom 2A during "early afternoon." Do you know what we are studying? "Franz Burger's music." You are doing a test today. You will not yet know the answers. Go to Pawn4Broke at Phobos Central. It is open between "late morning" to "late afternoon." Pick up the sunglasses. Talk to Marty and buy the sunglasses. Alternatively, you can reset the timeloop now while you are in the store and save yourself $25. Wear the sunglasses and enter The Boom Hole during "early night" or "night." Talk to Schneidas. You can ask him the questions from the test and he will tell you the answers. Clean the toilet so you can flush yourself back here. Reset the timeloop, return to classroom 2A during "early afternoon." The correct answers to the test will be highlighted. Franz will sing for you and give you a record. Reset the timeloop. Flush yourself into The Boom Hole and place the record in the crate. Wait until "early night" or "night." Wear the sunglasses and enter The Boom Hole. Talk to Meli and ask her to play some "Franz Burger music." Ending: Giving Mum Enough Money to Escape This Place You will need to have completed "Flush Yourself." Watch TV during "afternoon" or "late afternoon." You will receive the topic "winning lotto numbers." Reset the timeloop. Go to Dwarf Mart before "afternoon." Buy a lotto ticket from Mr Bert. The winning numbers will be highlighted, select them. Get arrested. You can do this multiple ways: Repeatedly knocking on the door at 113 Pac Street. Getting caught inside 113 Pac Street. Repeatedly using the intercom at Moloch Media HQ. Repeatedly trying to leave Pawn4Broke without paying. Ask to use the toilet. Clean the toilet with the golden toilet brush. Reset the timeloop. Flush yourself down the toilet into the police station during "early morning." Use the computer and issue a warrant for either Marty or Mr Bert. Flush yourself back out of the police station. Wait until "afternoon." If you issued a warrant for Marty go to Pawn4Broke in Phobos Central and sell him the lotto ticket. He will pay you $200 and close the store. If you issued a warrant for Mr Bert go to Dwarf Mart in Pac Street and give him the lotto ticket. He will take it off you and close the store. Wait until "early night." Flush yourself back into the police station. Either Marty or Mr Bert will be in the cell. Search the box. You will find 1 million dollars. Reset the timeloop. Talk to your mum during "morning" and give her 1 million dollars. Ending: Finding a Secret Entrance at School You will need to have completed "Flush Yourself." Get arrested. You can do this multiple ways: Repeatedly knocking on the door at 113 Pac Street. Getting caught inside 113 Pac Street. Repeatedly using the intercom at Moloch Media HQ. Repeatedly trying to leave Pawn4Broke without paying. Ask to use the toilet. Clean the toilet with the golden toilet brush. Reset the timeloop. Flush yourself down the toilet into the police station during "early morning." Use the computer and issue a warrant for Principal Judy. Flush yourself back out of the police station. Wait until "early night." Flush yourself back into the police station. Principal Judy will be in the cell. Search the box. You will find keys to the school. Go to Pawn4Broke at Phobos Central. It is open between "late morning" to "late afternoon." Pick up the Mars Underground game. Talk to Marty and buy the game. Alternatively, you can reset the timeloop now while you are in the store and save yourself $2. There is a computer in your bedroom. Use it and play the game. Travel "north" or "east." "Enter." Enter doorway. Enter school. North. Try entering the classrooms and the gymnasium. In one of these areas you will find a secret entrance. This is random. This will unlock the topic "hidden entrance at school." The game will crash when you try to enter the passageway. Enter the school outside of school hours. Enter the classroom or gymnasium where you found a secret entrance in the game. Entering the classrooms will require the school keys. If it was a classroom you can push the blackboard, if it was the gymnasium push the box of sports balls. A secret entrance will be revealed. Enter the passageway. Ending: Having an Alien Experience You will need to have completed "Flush Yourself." Get arrested. You can do this multiple ways: Repeatedly knocking on the door at 113 Pac Street. Getting caught inside 113 Pac Street. Repeatedly using the intercom at Moloch Media HQ. Repeatedly trying to leave Pawn4Broke without paying. Ask to use the toilet. Clean the toilet with the golden toilet brush. Reset the timeloop. Flush yourself down the toilet into the police station during "early morning." Use the computer and issue a warrant for Principal Judy. Flush yourself back out of the police station. Wait until "early night." Flush yourself back into the police station. Principal Judy will be in the cell. Search the box. You will find keys to the school. Enter the school during "early morning" by flushing yourself into the school toilet. Use the school keys to open the gates and go out the front of the school. The police will not be here yet and you can pick up the red crystal. Flush yourself into the toilet at Ptolemy Park before midday. Wear the helmet of protection. Avoid the army guys and head down to find a green crystal. Pick it up. Knock on the door at 114 Pac Street while Dave Zuchinni is home (early morning, morning, afternoon, late afternoon, early night or night.) Scare him off. You can ask him about Ptolemy Park or show him the crystals. He runs off leaving behind a yellow crystal. Pick this up. Reset the timeloop. Go into 114 Pac Street at night or late night. The machine will have been built. Use the 3 crystals in the machine and press the button. A ticket for an alien ride prints out. Go to Ptolemy Park after midday. Show the alien ride ticket to the guy in an alien costume in front of the ride. Follow him. Enter the carriage. Follow the corridors until you come to a room with a computer panel. Use the computer. Select "1. Stop." A door opens, leave through it. Walk to the left and off the screen. Ending: Getting into Moloch Media HQ You will need to have completed "Flush Yourself." Get arrested. You can do this multiple ways: Repeatedly knocking on the door at 113 Pac Street. Getting caught inside 113 Pac Street. Repeatedly using the intercom at Moloch Media HQ. Repeatedly trying to leave Pawn4Broke without paying. Ask to use the toilet. Clean the toilet with the golden toilet brush. Reset the timeloop. Flush yourself down the toilet into the police station during "early morning." Use the computer and issue a warrant for Principal Judy. Flush yourself back out of the police station. Wait until "early night." Flush yourself back into the police station. Principal Judy will be in the cell. Search the box. You will find keys to the school. Enter the school during "early morning" by flushing yourself into the school toilet. Use the school keys to get into the principal's office. Read the student files. Nikki's file will give you the topic "the souffle will rise again." Enter 113 Pac Street during "early morning." (The door is left unlocked.) Go upstairs and clean the toilet. Flush yourself back into the house while Nikki is not in her room (any time other than "early morning," "late afternoon" or "early night.") Alternatively, you can have either Charles or Meredith arrested and take the keys for 113 Pac Street from their possessions box. Go into Nikki's room. Search in her drawers to find some black robes that will fit you. Wear the black robes. During "late night" approach some people also in black robes. They can be found at Pac Street or Phobos Central. Say "The souffle will rise again." They will ask you if you know the recipe. You don't have an answer for this yet. Talk to someone in black robes again. Say "Do you know the recipe?" They will tell you that you're messing it up. Choose "Do you know the recipe?" They will give you the answer "I know how to make a burnt mess." Reset the timeloop. Go to Moloch Media HQ. Wear the black robes. Approach the intercom. "The souffle will rise again." "I know how to make a burnt mess." Walk up the corridors to the recording set and enter. 200% -=Erasing Dr Kronus=- You need to have charged your Quantiser to 200%. Use the Quantiser on Dr Kronus at "late night" at one of the locations where he appears (Phobos Central, Pac Street, Ptolemy Park, Moloch Media HQ). Your Quantiser will discharge by 100%. Alternatively you can also find him by waiting at "late night" until time advances. Go through the ending areas, using the Quantiser on the DEM machine at each. You will return to the Anomaly Room (your bedroom). Talk with yourself and either mess up the lines or refuse to hand over the Quantiser. The game will reset. Choose either "New Game," "Continue" or "Quit." You will be taken to the scene at Dr Kronus's office from the Default Cycle. You will still have the Quantiser and it will have 100% charge remaining. Use the Quantiser on Dr Kronus. After the scene you/someone will wake up in a new house in a different world. Open the box at the front door, taking the vial of pills and metal cylinder. Go out to the street and catch the bus. Go up to the exposed wiring on the wall and insert the metal cylinder. Quitting the Game and Doing Something Better With Your Time You need to have erased Dr Kronus. Go to the CPA. Go into Room 101. Use the Quantiser on the DEM machine. Alternatively you can also get to Dr Kronus's office by waiting at "late night" until time advances. Use the computer. Select "Reformat." Answer "Yes" repeatedly. If you refrained from using the Quantiser on Dr Kronus while it was under 100% charged your game will be deleted. Start the game again, make a new save, replay everything. |