Tekken 7 Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Tekken 7 Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Instant Carnage special chapter (secret Akuma Boss):
Successfully complete Story mode to unlock the "Instant Carnage" special chapter,
which involves Kazuya fighting Akuma in a final match. You can select this match
in Story mode, after clearing all story chapters.

REmove Film Grain and Chromatic Aberration:
Head to the following file location:
and open up ‘Scalability.ini’.

If you want to remove the CA character blur stuff,
add the following lines to the file.



To remove the Film Grain, add this extra line underneath:
r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization=0. So, to disable both your "Scalability.ini"
file should read as follows.



The PostProcessQuality@2 and 3 stuff refers to High and Ultra settings respectively.
Probably a good idea to set the file to Read Only after you’re done saving it,
to make sure it doesn’t revert.

Easy "Destructive Drive" and "Going Somewhere?" achievements:
This can be done in Practice mode. Select Alisa and the "Forgotten Realm" map. Press
Y + B (with an Xbox controller) to perform a throw (Back Door move) to smash through
the floor and get the "Destructive Drive" achievement. Perform the throw three times
to reach the bottom floor and get the "Going Somewhere?" achievement.

All items:
Win or lose 2,000 battles in all modes (offline and online) to unlock all items
in the game.

How to Escape Marduk's Double Legged Takedown:
Written by Joth

This guide will show you how to escape and deal with Marduks Tackle.

-=First Step
First way out of three of dealing with his tackle is just as the animation starts. People
since I think Tekken 4 have figured out that when he starts the animation and runs towards
you, the best and safest thing to do is jump back and kick. It punishes him and stop him
from making the extra mid hit he does when you just jump back. You can also potentially
jump over him and do a long range punish if your character has something like that.

-=Second Step
If you failed step one and didnt react in time this is the second opportunity you get to
defend yourself. When the actual animation of the tackling happens, there is a very tight
window you can break it just as with a Ultimate Tackle. But like I said its very tight and
online you most likely wont be able to hit the window.

-=Thid Step
The third option you get is the one you most likely will end up on. In the Mount, Marduk
can do overall 6 moves that you can defend against in 3 diffrent ways. First and second
are just how you defend against a hit in a normal tackle. Depending on what hand, you
have 3 options.

He uses you press either 1 if he clearly uses his left hand to punch you (his 1 move or
the 1+3 move are broken this way), or if he clearly uses his right hand to punch you, you
press 2 (its the 2 or 2+4 move for him). Althought the visual might not in itself be always
reliable if the Marduk player uses the trick. The trick is to use 1~2 or 2~1 (pressing 1
and 2 right after fast and the opposite). It causes him to fake using one hand and then
do the actual move with the other, making your break not correct. For example you see
Marduk using his left hand and you press 1, but he ends up doing the fakes and uses his
right hand then you take the hit.

Third way is a move where he uses both hand (1+2 or 3+4). This move is broken by not
pressing any button (Neutral Break). If you see him using both of his hands to punch you,
dont press anything. This cannot be faked out of (from what I know).
If you end up pressing 1 or 2, you can change this break last second to neutral by pressing

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