Nom du fichier : Steambirds Alliance Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Written by BNeutral /help Shows all the available commands. /tp "playername" Teleports to the player, if they are on the same map. Put the name between quotes if it has an space. An alternative to the other three teleport methods. /die Suicides your character. /tutorial Redo the tutorial, may be useful if stuck. /newportrait Used to give you a new portrait. Now said functionality can be accessed by the interface submenu in the options. /options Bring up the options menu, useful if for some reason you accidentally lost the keybind. /friend "playername" Add player to your friend list. They dont need to accept the request. /trade "playername" Makes a trade offer to the player. /resetbindings Resets the keybinds in case you have lost a way to access the options menu. /block "playername" Similar to ignore in most mmos, you wont receive messages from the blocked player. They need to be online for this to work. /blocklist Shows the list of blocked players. |