SnowRunner Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : SnowRunner Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Edit Save Files:
Credit to testpilot24

SnowRunner players,you can edit most of your save files.
This may allow you to add new trucks to your garage, collect bugged upgrades
and much more.

-=What you need=-
All you need is simple text editor, because most save files are just json text files.
But i recommend to use notepad++ with JSON Viewer plugin. Also you need to disable
steam cloud saves. Then play some time after you edited your saves. And them you
can enable steam cloud and overwtite data in here from local files
Your main save file

We interested in this file

This file contains all your save data from slot 1, exluding fog on map. I don’t know
how to remove/edit fog, because this is binary files with unknow to me format.

So you needed just locate this file and open it with text editor.
Then you will see one long string. Use format JSON from plugin in notepad++ to convert
it to more redable format. And then you can edit your file.

I show one example how you can edit it.

“CompleteSave”: {
“SslType”: “SaveObject”,
“SslValue”: {
“isFirstGarageDiscovered”: false,
“objectiveStates”: {},
“gameTime”: -1.0,
“persistentProfileData”: {
“refundTruckDescs”: {},
“unlockedItemNames”: {
“chevrolet_ck1500”: false
“money”: 5000,
“experience”: 0,
“trucksInWarehouse”: [
“retainedMapId”: “”,
“type”: “western_star_49x”,
“id”: “”,
“engineDamage”: 0,
“damage”: 0,
“fuel”: 2147483648.0,

This flie is pretty large, so i ommited some part from it. So i want to remove all my
stored truks. All i need for this is just clear all data from trucksInWarehouse array.

Clean array will look like this:

And then just save file. Also in persistentProfileData you can edit your money,
expirience and other stuff. Have fun.

Guide For Beginners Tips & Tricks:
Credit to Ananas

For SnowRunner players, this is a quick start guide for beginners of this game,
some tips and tricks are provided below, let’s check it out.

-=Tip 1#
Don’t skip the tutorial.
there is a lot of different buttons and its important to learn how to navigate them.

-=Tip 2# (co-op)
If you have just bought the game with friends, you will need to at least unlock the
first garage to play with each other. this means each starting your own campaigns
and working through the tutorial for around 20min.

-=Tip 3#
Jobs, Contracts and tasks, what to do!!!

Its confusing at first, but slowly work through simple tasks first like
– clearing powerlines
– clearing rockslides
– fixing bridges
– getting watchpoints

as it will be very challenging to attempt larger contract jobs like logging and drill
components untill there is a clear path.

-=Tip #4
Now that your maps are useable, its good to start smaller jobs and contracts that are
achievable. work through the escalating tasks with a goal of getting more money and xp
for more upgrades, tasks like logging will be very diffcult early without the right
equipment! so make sure you can actually complete the task!

-=Tip #5
Trailers and Crap
while there is a lot of trailers, its rather simple.
Trailers have load capacities.
Ie, Flatbed semi-trailer has x5 cargo slots.
this means you can carry 5 separate small loads of wooden planks or service parts and so on…
what doesn’t matter is if they are “flatbed or Sideboard”. you’ll be able to load most cargo’s
(not logs)

its also important to recognise how many cargo slots specific cargo’s require.

-=Tip 6#
LogsS, LOGS and log trailers
Don’t ask, they are still ??????.
Regardless, its not really explained anywhere, but they are pretty simple.

Long logs require
Log carrier front – and – log carrier rear

Medium logs require
Log Trailer

as far as im aware, Log Frame addon thing is still bugged, so its unload-able.

-=Tip #7
If your looking for upgrades for your trucks and your not sure where to find them.
just look it up as there is about 30 different Russian guides for each truck on YouTube.
Tip 8 (last tip for now)
If you are sick of stupidly slow progress in america, and you want to punch your screen
because you have randomly gotten bogged again because of ?????? mechanics and bad trucks.
you can just go get better trucks.
Now, it is a little cheaty and feels wrong if you are a hard-mode only player. but if you
are genuinely sick of awful american trucks, you can sell you trucks and trailers and just
buy much better Russian ones.

in order to do this, you need to calculate how much u need to sell to afford you Russian
truck of choice. this can be achieved via the use of a calculator, but just sell everything
honestly. once you have sold some stuff, move to one of the russian garages already unlocked,
and just purchase a new truck from there. SIMPLE!!

Disclosure, this may ruin you experience of the earlier levels. but it will save you from
having to complete “timber for the locals” in 8 hrs.

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