Nom du fichier : Meeple Station Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV |
Cheats: ------- Submitted by: David K. Console Commands: ----------------- Written by Jibbles Shows how to activate Devtools & list console commands. This guide was written during version 1.0.5. Things may change or become obsolete over time. -=Access Devtools & Console=- This is where youll key in commands to do specific things such as adding credits or meeples. Toggle console by using tilde key [~] -=Devtools =- Devtools is like god mode. You can instantly build structures and furniture, instantly finish certain technologies etc. Toggle devtools by pressing [Left Shift + Right Shift + ?] at the same time Note: You may need to toggle build menu if items are still shadowed or locked after activating devtools. There are several hotkeys in this mode. Pressing [1] will toggle Main UI. -=Commands=- The Command Response section in this guide will give you more of an idea of what these commands do. * You can simply type in some of these commands and they will work. such as; spawntrader, spawnmeep. * Some of these require values & ID#. I wont list all the requirements for each one in Tip Section so keep that in mind if a command is not working for you. -=List of console commands=- test spawnmob injure spawnmeep newgame tutorial meteors null credits kill spawntrader renown res tutnode rep spawnraid spawndrop newsystem oxygen fill empty event newtrack celldata editskill editattributes edittraits cursortext bombers jobdata spawninvade factiongrowth tuttoggle edgespawn derelict editresearch campflag poo flag tribute editplanet addplanet addmoon adddebris addmineral removemineral addstation removemoons wipeoccupants togglemeteors correctdistances butcher squidcheck campsystem togglecampaign eventcheck cure INDEXED: Spawning Resources Resources: "res [id] [amount]" Resources require id. Below is an index of resources If you want want to spawn in more resources such as 145 wood, it would look like; res 25 145 Index: 0 - ICE 1 - CARBON 2 - FELDSPAR 3 - MAGNETITE 4 - QUARTZ 5 - ILEMNITE 6 - MONAZTIE 7 - GRAPHENE 8 - ALUMINIUM ORE 9 - IRON ORE 1. - SILICON 1. - TITANIUM ORE 1. - COBALT ORE 1. - RAW THORIUM 1. - GLASS 1. - ALUMINIUM 1. - STEEL 1. - TITANIUM 1. - COBALT 1. - SUPERALLOY 2. - THORIUM 232 2. - DIAMOND 2. - ELECTRONICS 2. - ADVANCED ELECTRONICS 2. - BATTERY CELL 2. - WOOD 2. - SIMPLE MEAL 2. - FINE MEAL 2. - LAVISH MEAL 2. - FISH 3. - VEGETABLES 3. - FRUIT 3. - BIOMASS 3. - COMPUTER CORE -=Console Response=- You dont do anything with these. It just sort of gives you an idea what some commands do. "the command log seems to be working just fine…", "spawned mob…", "applying injury…", "spawning a new meeple…", "new game state setup…", "starting tutorial…", "meteor shower initiated", "null", "edited credits", "they had it coming…", "trader inbound", "edited renown", "edited resource", "triggering node…", "adjusted reputation…", "raiding ship incoming…", "worker drop off incoming…", "generating new system…", "replenished all rooms…", "filling all channels…", "emptying all channels…", "attempting to run event…", "playing new track…", "analysing cell…", "editing meeple skill…", "editing meeple attributes…", "editing meeple traits…", "putting text on cursor…", "spawning bombers…", "checking job data…", "spawning invaders…", "simulating faction growth…", "toggling tutorial…", "spawning meeple on map edge…", "adding derelict location…", "editing research progress…", "setting campaign flag…", "running sentient poop event…", "editing game flag…", "running tribute demand event…", "editing system body…", "adding new system body…", "adding moon to body…", "adding debris to body…", "adding mineral…", "removing mineral…", "adding station to planet…", "removing all extra bodies…", "removing all stations and inhabitants…", "toggling meteors in this location…", "correcting system location distances…", "killing all mobs…", "checking squid event…", "loading campaign system…", "toggling campaign mode…", "checking if event is stuck…", "curing meeple…" -=Tips=- Some commands have requirements but not all of those are listed! res "res [id] [amount]" renown "renown [amount]" credits "credits [amount]" oxygen "oxygen [amount]" rep "rep [faction id] [amount]" editattributes "editattribute [meepName] [physical] [willpower] [intelligence] [social]" edittraits "edittraits [meepName] [trait1 number] [trait2 number] (-1 for no trait)" editplanet "editplanet [type] [size] [surface] [texID]" spawnmeep Tip: They spawn at cursor location. Place cursor inside station. kill "kill [meepName]" event "event [event name (case sensitive)]" addplanet "addplanet [size] [moons] [surface]" addmoon "addmoon [location] [type] [size] [surface] [texID] [min orbit]" adddebris "adddebris [debris ID]" addmineral "addmineral [type] [richness]" removemineral "removemineral [type]" addstation "addstation [faction] [growth]" |