Taxi Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Taxi Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Fix Game Save Issue:
Written by term ammadin

This guide will show you how to fix the save game issue.

-=Solving the save problem=-
Looking ahead, I’ll say in advance that since I am a Russian
speaker, I play, respectively, in the Russian version of the game.

Not much, not a little after playing the game (about one hour), I
found that the save function does not work in the game. I also found
that the game still saves, but only if the game language is set to English.

So, in order for the save function to work in the game, you need to
go to the folder with the installed game.

* In it, go to the "taxi_Data" folder, then go to the "TEXT" folder.
* In the TEXT folder you will find three files and seven folders with
different localizations (languages).
* All that remains to be done is to copy the files from the "rus" folder
to the "eng" folder, agreeing with the replacement.
* Now the save function should work, at least it worked for me.

Note: this method has been tested for the Russian language, it is
possible that it will also work for other languages.

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