Nom du fichier : Gothic 3 - Forsaken Gods Enhanced Edition Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. How to Pick Up Items and Loot Fast: ----------------------------------- Written by ?ZER0? %K? Teaches how to quickly pick up items as there is no Systempack hack No_Take_Anim=0 so you can skip the slow pickup animations in G3 like in Gothic titles before. -=Loot Goblin=- To quickly pick up items such as plants, mushrooms, loot from NPC homes, dropped weapons, and other things, all you need is Hold crouch, and then spam pick up button. CTRL + Spam Left Click is the default combination In order to loot containers fast like dead bodies I suggest that you go to Keyboard Bindings and find Take All shortcut. You can then change it to something you like to press for the next dozen hours of gameplay. You should be able to reach it with your finger. This is button "T" in the game. It is very similar to WASD control scheme. Also suitable for Take All. List of all cheat commands for Marvin mode: ------------------------------------------- Written by ?ZER0? %K? Here is a list of all commands that activate Marvin mode. -=Warning about Cheats=- Cheat and console commands can cause your game and quest chains to be broken. Use them responsibly or you will lose your gaming experience. Sometimes it is better not to cheat your way out of a situation than to reload. -=Getting Started=- In Gothic 3 Forsaken Gods Ee It comes with an inbuilt Community Patch cheat mode. * You just need to quickly type marvinon the keyboard. * A message stating that Marvin Mode is enabled will appear on screen. * To access the console, press tilde to the left number one key under ESC. * To access certain cheats, you can also use keyboard shortcuts. * The Cheats in Gothic 3 are the same as in Gothic 3. You will be familiar with Marvin mode from previous Gothic installments such as Gothic 2. * Most keyboard shortcuts don't require you to hold CTRL when you use them. My opinion is that Marvin mode in G3 makes it more annoying than G2. It isn't really necessary, except maybe In rare cases, you might get stuck and your last save will be way back. In this instance, you will need to use CTRL + K shortcut for teleport forwards. You can hold it, and it will allow for you to cross the map at an incredible speed. It works just like speedrun and Noclip. At the same time. K and F8 are useful commands for G2 because of the time it takes to get there. You can use them to get there faster. G3 has sprint, so you dont have to use that to save time. Some total conversion mods add sprint to G2 based upon Speed Potion effect so that you don't always have to use them, such as Returning 2.0 with Stamina stat and Odyssee 2.0 featuring jewelry effects. Systempack hack No_Take_Anim=0 is not available to skip the slow pick-up animation in G3. To pick things up quickly, you can just crouch and hold CTRL and spam left click. * Character helper is also available, but he focuses on story. * He can speed up the story to certain points. Typeinsert sh console p.s. If Marvin mode doesn't start, and you are certain you have typed it correctly and quickly, you can try this: Open the ge3.ini file in Gothic 3 Forsake Gods/Ini and change the line: TestMode=false – TestMode=true. After that, cheats should work. Default path to the installation is x:\Program Files (x86 – \Steam\steamapps\common\Gothic 3 Forsaken Gods. To get to the game, you can right-click it in your Steam Library and select Properties, Local Files, or Browse. -=Most Common Commands=- Console commands you can type in: Code Result ----------------------------------------------------- God - God mode Invisibility - Invisibility mode Teach all - Learn all skills (lowers stats to 0) Kill - Kills your target Give [item] - Gives specified item Spawn [item] - Spawns specified item/creature idkfa - gives you all items Help - show commands fullhealth - gives you full health give Cat_Armor - all armors give Cat_Weapon - all weapons give Cat_Artefact - all artefats control - control character watch - control camera teach STR x - set strength teach DEX x - set dexternity /hunting skill/ teach INT x - set intelligence (ancient knowledge) teach ALC x - set alchemy skills teach SMT x - set smith skills teach THF x - set thief skills teach HP x - set health teach MP x - set mana teach SP x - set energy teach LP x - set learning points -=Key combination commands=- F8 - Revive/Reset Player CTRL+K: Teleport noclip forwards. If you hold it, it becomes a speedrun or fly, or swim cheat. -=All Keys Commands=- After activating Marvin mode, type marvin fast and press the following keys on your keyboard to activate them. These key commands are in bold. The regular letters, not bold, explain their effects. F6Accelerate/brakes the play time F7 OnPlayerToggleSloMo NUM 7OnIncEnclaveTheftCount NUM 8 OnIncEnclaveMurderCount NUM 9 OnIncPoliticalCrimeCount F12Quit Application LEFT CTRL+S Toggle Global Stats LEFT CTRL+M Toggle Memory Statistic RIGHT CTRL+M Snapshot Memory Statistics F1 Snapshot F2 Toggle Fullscreen F3Toggle RenderMode LEFT CTRL+NUM 1 A Toggle AvS solid LEFT CTRL+NUM 2Toggle Object Overdraw LEFT CTRL+NUM 3 A Toggle AvSpixel Overdraw LEFT CTRL+NUM 4Toggle Performance solid LEFT CTRL+NUM 5 A Toggle Performance Object OVERDRAW LEFT CTRL+NUM 6 A Toggle Performance Pixel Delete LEFT CTRL+O Toggle object overdraw LEFT CTRL+P Togglepixel Overdraw LEFT CTRL+C Toggle Color Mapping LEFT CTRL+U Toggle Solid Plus Wireframe LEFT CTRL+G View Gamekeys LEFT CTRL+R toggle Rays LEFT CTRL+RETURN Game Start LEFT CTRL+BACKSPACE Stop Game LEFT CTRL+F4 Pause Game LEFT CTRL+Q Collision Shapes LEFT CTRL+FControl Concentr LEFT CTRL+W A Watch Focus LEFT CTRL+SPACE Toggle editor F8Reset (Revive) Player LEFT CTRL+V Toggle Vegetation LEFT CTRL+E Postprocessing Cycle LEFT CTRL+I Cycle Lightningmodes LEFT CTRL+L Cycle Moving Light SHIFT+S SpeedTree LEFT CTRL+B Toggle Bounding Boxes LEFT CTRL+PAGE UPS Goto Camera LEFT CTRL+INSERT A Free Camera LEFT CTRL+HOME Fixed camera LEFT CTRL+K Teleporter Forward, (Speedrun) Hold for continuous effects LEFT CTRL+SCROLL One Step LEFT CTRL+H Goto Startposition LEFT CTRL+A Debug AI Toggle LEFT CTRL+R Profile All LEFT CTRL+N View Navigation LEFT CTRL+N+P Pause Navigation LEFT CTRL+N+M Reset Navigation LEFT CTRL+H+CURSOR RIGHT Move Start Nav Point Left LEFT CTRL+H+CURSOR REAR Move Start Nav Point Right LEFT CTRL+H+CURSOR UPS Move Start Nav Point Up LEFT CTRL+H+CURSOR DEAD Move Start Nav Point Down LEFT CTRL+J+CURSOR Move Goal Nav Point Left LEFT CTRL+J+CURSOR REAR Move Goal Nav Point Right LEFT CTRL+J+CURSOR UPS Move Goal Nav Point Up LEFT CTRL+J+CURSOR DEAD Move Goal Nav Point Down LEFT CTRL+0 Walk Animation Combining -=All Console Commands=- godInvincible mode. Infinite mana, health fullhealthRefills Health idkfaPlayer receives all items/skills in this game defeatsomething you should not use! audio.fAmbientVolume sets ambient volume audio.fEffectVolumesets effect volume audio.fMasterVolumesets master volume audio.fMusicVolume adjusts the music volume audio.fVoiceVolume adjusts the volume of the voice camera.fAziSpeedScalescales azimuth angle velocity around target(default:) camera.fElevSpeedScale measures the elevation angle velocity around target(default:) camera.fFieldOfViewtoggles camera's field-of-view (default:90 camera.fMaxDistToPlayer is the maximum distance that can be clamped to the player camera.fMoveSpeed sets movement speed for the free camera (default: 300.0fe17Y). camera.fMoveSpeedAccel sets movement speed modificator if [SHIFT] (defaults to 3.0f) camera.fMoveSpeedDeccel sets movement speed modificator when pressed [CTRL] (default : 0.5f) camera.fRelaxCamerasets camera pos relax factor camera.fRelaxDistsets camera dist relax factor camera.fRelaxFOV is the camera fov relaxation factor camera.fRelaxPlayer is the player pos relaxation factor camera.fRelaxXAxis Sets the camera x-axis relax factor camera.fRelaxYAxis sets camera y axis relax camera.SetMode is the current camera mode camera.ShowPosition is the current position of your camera camera.ToggleModeChange allows or disables mode changes on the camera caps.DisableAlphaRendering caps.DisableModuleRendering caps.DisableStencilTesting caps.EnableDynamicVisualsRendering caps.EnableLightMaps caps.EnableObjectVPTHCCulling caps.EnableOcclusionCulling caps.EnableStaticVisualsRendering caps.EntityROI changes processing range, must not be larger than EnterProcessingRange caps.FarClippingPlane which changes far clipping plane caps.FarClippingPlaneLowPoly is a far clipping plane change for lowpoly mesh caps.OCCheckThreshold caps.OCPixelOverdrawThreshold caps.RenderDebug toggles rendering entity debug infos compile navigation (Re-)compiles navigation scene! console.font is the font for the output window console.dimy is the y height of a console in pixels (default 250 console.dimx is the x width in pixels of the console (default: renderer width)). console.posy is the y pos for the console in pixel pixel (default 0. 22A06301066Defines the x position of the console in pixels (default:0). console.filterlevel is the spy filter level (default 5, -). colorscheme Choose next color scheme DebugShowDiffMem shows memory output in traceview and zspy DebugShowMemshows memory output for traceview and zspy DisablePrefetcher Disables prefetcher dispose Removes items from the inventory dViewGameKeys()Prints all active debug-actions and gamekeys on screen (. Key: LEFT CTRL+G edit Edits the current entity EnablePrefetcher Enable prefetcher focus.ShowTA() toggles focus ai debug mode in (to key: LEFT CTRL+A game.bTestMode toggles testmode on or off, 0 : off, 1 : on (default.1 game.Chat() Start an irc chat game.ForceCrash Guess what! 22A06303985Exception for floating points game.SetTime A Sets the World Time Liket..SetTime 12 game.ShowVersion prints the current game version game.WatchFPSopens an output statistic control Give Place an instance of the item in the players inventory Geto Beams player and camera to the given entity gotocamerabeams player in camera position (assigned key: LEFT CTRL+PAGE UPS) music.bEnableAutoUpdate allows or disables automatic updates music.bEnableTriggers Enables or Disables Accepting Triggers music.sDayTime sets daytime music.sLocation is the location music.sSituation describes the situation spawnspawns an example of the given entity name triggertriggers given entity or focus/editor entity, if not given versionprints engine version quit closes application window historyprints a history of entered commands helpprints help lines for each command clearclears console output physics.dToggleRays Shows ray debuglines (assigned key: LEFT CTRL+R physics.dToggleStatistics Shows some physics debug output show positiondisplay current camera position spy.AddCommentadds an observation line to the spy teach teaches (s) and/or skill(s e17Y the specified spell(. timer.fTimeScale sets (default timescale value to 1.0 toggle memdebugtests memory for corruptions (SLOW!)) untriggeruntriggers the given entity or the focus/editor entity if no name given view.dShowLabels() illustrates all relevant label sets view.dShowLights()visualizes all relevant light psets watchcontrols given entity or focus/editor entity, if no name given to key: LEFT CTRL+W world.ToggleFolder Enables or Disables the given sector folder world.ToggleSector activates or disables the specified sector Enjoy I appreciate your time and I hope that you enjoy the game. |