Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Beat Any Mode:
Written by Damon adrian

Today I will show you route's to beat baldi basics classic remastered In any mode.

-=Route 1
* So first you wanna get your 2 notebooks.
* Then go right then go past sweeping time's closet and then get the notebook
with the blue door (you should see it when you go down the hallway).
* Then go get a BSODA in the same hallway.
* Then go up and then go right to another classroom.
* Go back to get another notebook.
* Then go in the cafeteria to find another BSODA unless your on demo mode.
* Go to the end of the cafeteria and then go up turn and turn again to find 2
* Then for the exits well the choice is yours.

-=Route 2
* For this next one you wanna go to your left into a school faculty.
* Pick up all items in there.
* Then get your third notebook in the same place I said in route 1.
* Then do the rest in route 1 to.

-=Route 3
* Do it backwards.

-=Entities problem
* If your having trouble with them try and not do the route until you get away
from the person only if your having trouble with them.

How to Edit the Text:
Written by Bottom Text

This will teach you how to edit the text for things like menu screens
and subtitles!

-=Here's How You Do It=-
It's quite simple to edit the text.

* Just browse local files then go to "BALDI_Data" then "StreamingAssets".

* There you can find "Subtitles_En".

* Not only does this contain the subtitles, but it also contains text for
the entire game.

* So you can change item names, menu screen text and of course, the subtitles.

This most likely won't be that useful and rather is for a quick laugh if you
want to change the text to be something stupid.

Hope you have fun with this, cause I know I am!

You Can Think Pad Secret Codes:
Written by memenorio

In this guide you will find 4 secret codes for Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered,
write these codes in the You Can Think Pad.

-=Code 1=-
09241993 - Unlocks cheats: The game will bring you in the main menu, if you start
a new game and then pause it, in the upper right corner there will be a "?".
Press it to open the cheats menu.

-=Code 2=-
04281989 - Music room: The game will bring you in a room full of buttons, every
button is a music track. There are also buttons to speed up/slow down or pitch up/
pitch down the music.

-=Code 3=-
10181996 - Authentic mode: The game will bring you in the main menu, if you start
a new game the HUD will look "older".

-=Code 4=-
1121194 - Chaos: Every character duplicates himself.

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