Undisputed Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Undisputed Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Fix Button Input Delay:
Open nvidia control panel manage 3D settings, add unity playback
engine, then scroll down to low latency mode and select on.

"Do not use ultra" then scroll down to power management mode select
prefer maximum performance, save it then start the game up.

That’s all!

Aspect Ratio Fix:
Written by Suicidal Failure

Simple aspect ratio fix so you can play at your desired resolution
without any software.

I cannot guarantee that this will work for other aspect ratios than 21:9
and if it works on your machine nor the fact that this will get you banned
or anything.

This is a simple quick hack for all Unity games that has forced resolutions

* At least 2 monitors (One that has at least the supported resolution like
* Keyboard with arrow keys

* Have the game open
* Depending on your monitor positions, press WIN+SHIFT+The Arrow key that
you will need to switch to the the 16:9 monitor to (e.g. My 16:9 monitor
is on the right, so I will press WIN+SHIFT+Right Arrow)
* Do it again but reverse the arrows so it goes to your 21:9 monitor
(21:9 monitor is on the left, WIN+SHIFT+Left Arrow)

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