Ensora Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Ensora Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Gameplay basics FAQ:
Written by DGS

This guide describes the basic mechanics of the game in the form of answers
to frequently asked questions.

-=How do you fuel a ship?=-
* On the top deck of the ship, to the left of the elevator is the Generator.
* You need to put into it items that can "burn" (e.g. wood, mineral, cloth,
fuel) and then press the "Charge" button.
* The generator will fuel the ship itself.
* If you don't want to wait, you can lie down and sleep on the med.bed or
get out of the ship and explore the location.

-=In the location I was killed and all my items from my inventory disappeared=-

* Enemies "looted" you. Yes, if you are defeated in battle, all of your items will
be taken away. So stock up on items and put them on the ship - they will not go
anywhere from there. You don't always have to carry everything of value with you.

* If necessary, you can install more containers and even a rifle stand on your ship.
All of this can be installed in the upgrade console in the city (unlocked by
reputation and then installed for the resources you have stored on the ship).

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