The Duelist: Sanaculus Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : The Duelist: Sanaculus Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Quick Guide for Demo:
Written by Flambergames

This is a basic demo game guide as of February 2023. Here you can
find some quick guidelines how to play the demo, its basic modes
and mechanics.

-= Basics =-
* The demo has two main game mods – the duel mode and the squad
battle mode.

* You can launch them either by playing campaign (New game button
in main menu) or by using Quick fight menu.

* When playing campaign you can use in-game tutorials (work by
default) or skip them using triangle button at the top right
corner of your screen.

-=Useful Tips=)-
* You can open the main menu any time by pushing Esc button.
* In the main menu you can quickly adjust overall sound volume.
* To skip in-game tutorials use triangle button at the top right
corner of your screen.
* You can disable in-game music using speaker button at the top
right corner of your screen.
* When in squad battle mode, use keys 1-4 and space bar to choose
skills and end your turn.

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