Bean Stalker Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Bean Stalker Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV

Bean Stalker

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips and Tricks:
Written by JDawgVR

-=Index Controllers=-
* If you have issues with grabbing and dropping items then adjust grab
and release thresholds in the SteamVR controller settings for the
* I go with 100 for grab and 70 for release.
* Hands get sweaty and it confuses the Index controllers.
* Try pointing a fan at yourself while you play to cool off your
sweaty hands.
* Hold thumbstick press to run can damage thumbsticks and it sucks
trying to press it at an angle.
* Remap run to another button using SteamVR controller bindings.

-=Get Grapple Hook ASAP
* Grapple Hook is fast rapid fire so use that to move fast.
* Climbing pick in one have and grapple hook in other hand.
* You can throw yourself with the pick.
* Grapple negates fall damage.

-=Get sword ASAP and keep it handy
* Seems like sword recharges it’s damage so waggle doesn’t work.
* Look for the sword streaks to know the recharge rate.
* I usually keep a sword on one shoulder and a grapple on the other

-=Long range weapon
* I keep a long range weapon in my backpack.
* The weapon can reload by putting it over your shoulder for a couple

-=Main Quest: Focus on your main quest
* Main Quest is how you’ll unlock all the items and progress faster with
reward loot.

-=Sprint button also works while your falling, jumping
* Use sprint to jump and grapple across longer gaps.

* Food or potions can revive friends (Mushrooms, Mangos).
* When feeding self or reviving others bring food close and wait until it
turns purple before pressing trigger.
* Everyone has to be together and not downed to end a level.
* Long range grapple: Great way to save yourself from a long fall.
* There are scrolls on your wrists with info and missions.
* You can let a friend borrow equipment by turning off snap to inventory
temporarily and dropping the equipment.
* Move with friend. Game is easier if you stick together and go down same
vines together.
* Ranged Interact: You can use ranged interact to interact with zip lines,
levers, and pick up things at a distance.
* You can dual wield swords for more melee damage.

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