Fisher Online Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Fisher Online Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

Fisher Online

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips for Norway:
* A small lake area to the left has Whitefish, they are easy, give
good money/XP and there are plenty Club Supply quests.
* Also this area has fish u won’t find on the rest of the map, plus
there is a port marker and boat spawn very close.
* If you catch fish which have no purple lable or pink star, get
the big boat, before you sell them.
* Put that kind of fish into the freezing box ans sell them that way.
You will get ~20% more silver that way.
* Never freeze a Trophy or a fisch with a label, because the label
has a silver bonus which is higher than the bonus you get from
* And yes, alot of the quests are really good. thry to get the bronze
medal as fast as possible. That way you can get quests like “2x2kg
Whitefish” for 400s.

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