Kill The Crows Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Kill The Crows Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV

Kill The Crows

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Guide to Get 500+ Kills:
For the revolver i used the Royale Gunsmith Custom.
* Showdown: Cursed Gaze
* Passive 1: Dipping Tobacco
* Passive 2: Strange Locket

If you use this Load-out try to time your Showdown. Wait until there
are 5 or more enemys on your screen. Then kill all of them using the
showdown ability. The Strange Locket passive will regenerate a bit of
your showdown power if you kill 5 or more enemys with your showdown
ability. So try to use the showdown ability only if youre able to kill
5 or more enemys to get the most out of it. The passive Dipping Tobacco
will increase the maximum kills of your showdown. With these to passives
your showdown ability will be much stronger, which will hopefully make
your gameplay easier. Otherwise if you want a not so safe but fast
gameplay you can use the passive: Improved Boots and the Passive:
Rusy Spur.

For the showdown ability i would allways use the Cursed Gaze. With this
showdown you’ll be able to shoot through walls, so you will be able to
stay in cover while shooting at the crows.

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