The Troop Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: The Troop Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

The Troop

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips for Spotting:
* Any unit in or passing through CLEAR line of sight (LOS) from an
enemy unit will be revealed.
* Any unit firing or executing any other form of attack action (with
the exception of mortars) will be revealed, even if out of LOS of
all enemy units.
* All units have a “sight range”. This is the distance at which they
will spot and reveal an enemy unit through a PARTIALLY obscured LOS
(e.g. partial cover). “Conspicuous” units like tanks and other large
vehicles will be spotted at triple sight range if they move more than
1 tile in a turn. Closing hatches on a tank generally reduces sight
range to almost nothing.
* Units inside buildings and dense woodland (with ground foliage) will
only be spotted by infantry units in an adjacent tile.
* Units in 2 storey buildings have a significant boost to spotting.

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