Nom du fichier : Suika Shapes Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV |
Suika Shapes Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. How to Get the Big Points: -------------------------- Written by Zanthous|SuikaShapes * Have a side where you build up small stuff, and a side where you build up big stuff. * Try to never leave the small shapes alone, always try to delay dropping shapes elsewhere so you can evolve the small shapes. * If small shapes become inaccessible, take a step back and think of how you can merge bigger shapes to free them up in the future. * For modes other than circles, shapes keep their rotation when merging, so you can abuse this. One good trick you can learn from triangles mode is that you can drop a shape below commonly by merging triangles in certain rotations. * For flat shapes like rectangles, always keep them flat when possible, you want as much vertical space for chain-merging as possible. * Always try to pull up smaller shapes stuck beneath if you can create a plan to do so. * Always think of the optimal position you want to get a shape in when it becomes a watermelon/suika. For example, the stairs shape you want exactly in the corner. At least by the time it gets to a watermelon, you need there to not be any shapes between its back-side and the wall, and then you can push it over by merging shapes on its front-side. * New shapes spawn exactly inbetween the two merging shapes, so always be thinking about whether you want it to spawn a little to the left vs a little to the right. |