UnReal World Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: UnReal World Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

UnReal World

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Hints and Tips:
* Don’t leave food lying around in village that has dogs in it. They
will eat it.

* Depending on terrain it may be possible to brake line of sight by
going prone (u), to hide or re-engage stealth mode.

* Carcasses left on your pack animal can rot even in winter if left
there for too long. I’m not sure if this is a bug or feature, but it’s
possible the idea is that the animal’s body temperature is warming the

* If you are insecure leaving your pack animal unattended in the woods
you can leash it inside a settlement. I have never lost pack animal to
predators when doing so.

* Village food stocks are best from fall to swidden when they are
selling lots of excess grain. Depending on your starting equipment you
may be able to secure food stocks for several months by trading grain
from the villagers. This makes winter and spring starts easier than
you’d think at first.

* If you visit a village and then keep away from it and it’s general
area for months until you revisit it, you’ll likely find the village
stocks considerably upgraded.

* Food will not burn/spoil due to overcooking if the fire goes out.
This includes fireplaces.

* Party members can boost many heavy duty tasks, like cabin building
or tanning furs.

* The rate at which you gain fatigue depends on your endurance but
also on your encumbrance penalty. Whenever doing heavy duty stuff
(like running, preparing fields, woodwork, building, butchering) the
optimum is to just have the clothes on your back and the tool on the

* Your bear/mother pipes will last longer if you make tea out of them.
Then you put it in a mug or skin, exhaust your thirst by drinking water
and take tiny little 0.1lb sip of the tea. Even small stock will keep
you a year in daily usage. The tea also works against flu.

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