Journey of Wrestling Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Journey of Wrestling Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

Journey of Wrestling

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Useful Tips and Tricks:
-=Simulate Match=-
How does the Simulate Match determine a winner?

The simulator starts off with a popularity bias, then adds a 2x bias
to champions and a 6x bias to unhappy superstars. Higher popularity
superstars are more likely to win, as are champions and unhappy

If you’re using the Simulator, the style affects the calculation.
Long-term has higher champion bias, 0.4x part timer bias, and a higher
bias for lower ages. Bizarro has a lower champion bias, 2x part timer
bias and a higher bias for higher ages.

-=Shocking Turns=-
Shocking Turns happen when a Main Eventer turns against someone in a
Segment after a year or more of being Heel or Face. They create Holy Shit
Moments and unlock Artifacts. You can check how long a Superstar has been
a Heel/Face in
Superstar Information.

-=Event-based Turns=-
Events such as a Face performing a post-match Cash-in on another Face or
vice versa can cause turns.

-=Hot Matches=-
* Minimum rating: 4 stars.
* Higher rating increases chance.
* Hype bonus increases chance (streaks bonus, event match bonus, match
contract bonus, tournament final bonus, feuds hype bonus).
* Hot participants increase chance.

-=Hot Segments=-
* Minimum rating: 4 stars.
* Higher rating increases chance.
* Hype of attached feuds increase chance.
* Hot participants increase chance.
* Shocking turns increase chance, while turns made too soon decrease chance.

-=Hot Feuds=-
* Stale feuds can’t get hot.
* Minimum hype: 30.
* Higher hype increases chance.
* Hot participants increase chance.

-=Segment / Feud Requirements Help=-
* Rivals: requires two or more previous feuds that have ended with a rating
over 3.5.
* Champion Coronation: requires the title to be won at the previous event.
* Epic Brawl: requires one or more previous feuds that have ended.

-=Experiment Unlocking=-
Experiments are powerful versions of Artifacts used in the Wrestling on Mars
scenario. If you complete the Wrestling on Mars scenario with a successful
ending, you’ll unlock 3 experiments (Neural Control, Neural Control+ and Cyborg)
for use in any game you play.

-=Future Workers=-
To add future workers to your training and indie roster, as well as a competitor’s
training roster, just create a superstar as you would, and set when they should
appear after the game starts. They will appear with the attributes you set, so if
you set a future worker’s age to 18, they will be 18 years old when they appear.

Future workers appear at the specified time after the scenario starts, or a few
months before or after. You can either set the months (e.g 6 ‘months’, ’empty’
years for 6 months) or the years (e.g 5 ‘years’, 0 ‘months’ for five years).

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