Nom du fichier : Star Wars : Knights of The Old Republic II Cheat Codes - Auteur : RVL |
NOTE: XX means 0ᇷ, and can be used with many commands. Example: addexp 99 = Adds 99 in experience. heal Heal your player setcomputeruse ## Sets computer use skill level setdemolitions ## Sets demolitions skill level setstealth ## Sets stealth skill level setawareness ## Sets awareness skill level setpersuade ## Sets persuade skill level setrepair ## Sets repair skill level setsecurity ## Sets security skill level settreatinjury ## Sets treat injury skill level setstrength ## Sets strength skill level setdexterity ## Sets dexterity skill level setconstitution ## Sets construction skill level setintelligence ## Sets intelligence skill level setwisdom ## Sets wisdom skill level setcharisma ## Sets charisma skill level addexp ## Add experience turbo Characters move three times normal speed invulnerability God mode restartminigame Restart mini games, if you lose bright Turns dark into bright addlightside ## Adds lightside experience adddarkside ## Adds darkside experience revealmap Reveals the entire map with [M] givecredits ## Gives money givemed Gives 100 med kits giverepair Gives 100 advance repair kits givecomspikes Gives 100 computer spikes givesecspikes Gives 100 section spikes givesitharmour Gives 100 amour infiniteuses All limited use items never expire whereami Shows exact location on the map addlevel Adds level experience dancedancemalak Changes darth malak into a female dancing twilek (Note ## = 0ᇷ, insert the desired value with the code) giveitem X Give you a specific item of your choice ITEMS FOUND: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ g_I_PazSidebd001 g_i_credits00 g_i_medeqpmnt02 g_i_drdrepeqp002 g_i_progspike01 g_i_secspike01 g_a_clothes01 G_PC_LEVEL G_PC_Align_Val G_PC_Light_Total G_PC_Dark_Total g_turretbl002 SPAWN LIST: Description: Code: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Robes: {01}Clothing a_robe_01 {02}Padawan Robe a_robe_02 {03}Dark Padawan Robe a_robe_03 {04}Baran Do Novice Robe a_robe_04 {05}Matukai Apprentice Robe a_robe_05 {06}Zeison Sha Initiate Armor a_robe_06 {07}Jal Shey Neophyte Armor a_robe_07 {08}Jedi Robe a_robe_08 {09}Dark Jedi Robe a_robe_09 {10}Norris Robe a_robe_10 {11}Jal Shey Advisor Armor a_robe_11 {12}Gray Jedi Robe a_robe_12 {13}Jedi Knight Robe a_robe_13 {14}Dark Jedi Knight Robe a_robe_14 {15}Matukai Adept Robe a_robe_15 {16}Zeison Sha Warrior Armor a_robe_16 {17}Jedi Master Robe a_robe_17 {18}Dark Jedi Master Robe a_robe_18 {19}Baran Do Sage Robe a_robe_19 {20}Jal Shey Mentor Armor a_robe_20 {21}Ossus Keeper Robe a_robe_21 {22}Natth Cowling a_robe_22 {23}Arca Jeth's Robe a_robe_23 {24}Aleema Keto's Robe a_robe_24 {25}Sylvar's Robe a_robe_25 {26}Darth Malak's Armor a_robe_26 {27}Jolee's Robe a_robe_27 {28}Thon's Robe a_robe_28 {29}Crado's Robe a_robe_29 {30}Nomi's Robe a_robe_30 {x01}Handmaiden's Robe a_robe_x01 Belts: {01}Adrenaline Amplifier a_belt_01 {02}Cardio-Regulator a_belt_02 {03}Stealth Field Generator a_belt_03 {04}Czerka Utility Belt a_belt_04 {05}Advanced Adrenaline Amplifier a_belt_05 {06}Aratech SD Belt a_belt_06 {07}Strength Enhancer a_belt_07 {08}Systech Cardio-Regulator a_belt_08 {09}Hyper Adrenaline Amplifier a_belt_09 {10}Exchange Shadow Caster a_belt_10 {11}Inertial Inhibitor a_belt_11 {12}Electrical Capacitance Shield a_belt_12 {13}Thermal Shield Generator a_belt_13 {14}Eriadu Stealth Unit a_belt_14 {15}CNS Strength Enhancer a_belt_15 {16}Exchange Utility Belt a_belt_16 {17}Immunity Belt a_belt_17 {18}Adrenaline Stimulator a_belt_18 {19}Nerve Amplifier Belt a_belt_19 {20}Jal Shey Belt a_belt_20 {21}Multishield Generator a_belt_21 {22}Defel Mimicker a_belt_22 {23}Frozian Scout Belt a_belt_23 {24}Tech Specialist Belt a_belt_24 {25}Aratech Cardio-Regulator a_belt_25 {26}GNS Strength Enhancer a_belt_26 {27}Qel-Droma Belt a_belt_27 {28}Immortality Belt a_belt_28 {29}Aratech Echo Belt a_belt_29 {30}Jal Shey Mentor Belt a_belt_30 Safety Harness 100_belt01 Droid Items: Advanced Blowtorch g_d_blowtrch02 Advanced Repair Kit g_i_drdrepeqp002 Blowtorch g_d_blowtrch01 Construction Kit g_i_drdrepeqp003 Droid Advanced Upgrade Slot d_tool_04 Droid Agility Upgrade d_interface_08 Droid Agrinium Armor d_armor_08 Droid Anatomy Library d_interface_12 Droid Assassination Module d_hk47_03 Droid Battle Upgrade d_tool_11 Droid Bio-Assault Spray d_device_10 Droid Capacitor Armor d_hk47_02 Droid Carbonite Emitter d_device_11 Droid Carbonite Projector d_device_08 Droid CEPB d_tool_14 Droid CERS d_tool_12 Droid CESS d_tool_13 Droid Defense Barrier d_shield_03 Droid Deflector Mark I d_shield_01 Droid Deflector Mark II d_shield_02 Droid Deflector Mark III d_shield_05 Droid Desh Plating d_armor_04 Droid Diatium Plating d_armor_12 Droid Dura Plating Mark I d_armor_09 Droid Dura Plating Mark II d_armor_11 Droid Durability Upgrade d_interface_07 Droid Energized Armor Mark I d_armor_13 Droid Energized Armor Mark II d_armor_14 Droid Energized Armor Mark III d_armor_15 Droid Energy Collector d_shield_04 Droid Exchange Interface d_interface_10 Droid Fighting Upgrade d_tool_07 Droid Flame Thrower d_device_03 Droid Impact Armor Mark I d_armor_01 Droid Impact Armor Mark II d_armor_03 Droid Impact Armor Mark III d_armor_05 Droid Ion Blast Mark I d_device_12 Droid Ion Blast Mark II d_device_13 Droid Ion Blast Mark III d_device_14 Droid Ion Striker d_device_06 Droid Lockout Bypass d_interface_04 Droid Machine Interface d_interface_03 Droid Memory Upgrade d_tool_09 Droid Micro-Optics d_tool_15 Droid Modular Plating Mark I d_armor_02 Droid Modular Plating Mark II d_armor_06 Droid Modular Plating Mark III d_armor_07 Droid Molten Cannon d_device_07 Droid Motion Tracker d_tool_01 Droid Motivator Booster d_interface_06 Droid Multi-spectral Emitter d_device_15 Droid Neural Pacifier d_device_01 Droid Neural Scrambler d_device_05 Droid Omniscience Unit d_g0t0_02 Droid Optimized Interface d_interface_01 Droid Parabolic Guides d_interface_05 Droid Perception Sensors d_tool_08 Droid Plasma Thrower d_device_09 Droid Quadranium Armor d_armor_10 Droid Reference Database d_tool_05 Droid Remote Interface d_interface_11 Droid Renewable Shield d_t3m4_03 Droid Repulsor d_device_02 Droid Scavenger Upgrade d_interface_13 Droid Self-Sustaining Unit d_t3m4_02 Droid Shock Arm d_t3m4_01 Droid Singulararity Projector d_g0t0_03 Droid Source Ripper d_interface_14 Droid Stabilization Subroutine d_interface_02 Droid Stealth Booster d_g0t0_01 Droid Surveillance Upgrade d_tool_03 Droid System Fortification d_tool_06 Droid Systems Upgrade d_interface_15 Droid Toxin Emitter d_device_04 Droid Unity Grid d_shield_06 Droid Upgrade Slot d_tool_02 Droid Warfare Upgrade d_tool_10 Droid Wisdom Upgrade d_interface_09 Fire Suppression System g_d_firesupres01 Goto Targeting Module d_g0t0_04 Repair Kit g_i_drdrepeqp001 Forearm Bands: {c01}'s Armband a_band_c01 {x01}Nomi's Armband a_band_x01 {x02}Vao Armband a_band_x02 {x03}Ludo Kressh's Armband a_band_x03 Arkanian Energy Shield a_shield_03 Echani Dueling Shield a_shield_06 Echani Shield a_shield_04 Energy Shield a_shield_01 Mandalorian Melee Shield a_shield_02 Mandalorian Power Shield a_shield_05 Telos Mining Shield 100_fore01 Verpine Prototype Shield a_shield_07 Wrist Launcher g_i_wristlaunch Gauntlets: {01}Insulated Gloves a_gloves_01 {02}Exchange Casual Gloves a_gloves_02 {04}Taris Survival Gloves a_gloves_04 {05}Accuracy Gloves a_gloves_05 {06}Gamorrean Gauntlets a_gloves_06 {07}Exchange Work Gloves a_gloves_07 {08}Czerka Defensive Gauntlets a_gloves_08 {09}Detonator Gloves a_gloves_09 {10}Unarmed Accuracy Gloves a_gloves_10 {11}Infiltrator Gloves a_gloves_11 {12}Jal Shey Perception Gloves a_gloves_12 {13}Gamorrean Wargloves a_gloves_13 {14}Eriadu Strength Amplifier a_gloves_14 {15}Karakan Gauntlets a_gloves_15 {16}Bothan Precision Gloves a_gloves_16 {17}Sith Power Gauntlets a_gloves_17 {18}Gamorrean Power Gauntlets a_gloves_18 {19}Nagai Combat Gloves a_gloves_19 {20}Kubaz Scoundrel Gloves a_gloves_20 {21}Automation Gloves a_gloves_21 {22}Jal Shey Meditation Gloves a_gloves_22 {23}Echani Accuracy Gloves a_gloves_23 {24}Zeison Sha Gloves a_gloves_24 {25}Dominator Gauntlets a_gloves_25 {26}Nikto Soldier Gloves a_gloves_26 {27}Ossluk's Gloves a_gloves_27 {28}Disruption Gloves a_gloves_28 {29}Improved Automation Gloves a_gloves_29 {30}Lightning Gloves a_gloves_30 Implants lvl 1: {imp1 01}Reflex Package e_imp1_01 {imp1 02}Pheromone Package e_imp1_02 {imp1 03}Cardio Package e_imp1_03 {imp1 04}Strength Package e_imp1_04 {imp1 05}Response Package e_imp1_05 {imp1 06}Fitness Package e_imp1_06 {imp1 07}Skills Package e_imp1_07 {imp1 08}Health Package e_imp1_08 {imp1 09}Physical Boost Package e_imp1_09 {imp1 10}Mental Boost Package e_imp1_10 Implants lvl 2: {imp2 01}Retinal Combat Implant e_imp2_01 {imp2 02}Lornan Implant e_imp2_02 {imp2 03}Biotech Implant e_imp2_03 {imp2 04}Power Implant e_imp2_04 {imp2 05}Alacrity Implant e_imp2_05 {imp2 06}Insight Implant e_imp2_06 {imp2 07}Skills Implant e_imp2_07 {imp2 08}Durability Implant e_imp2_08 {imp2 09}Physical Boost Implant e_imp2_09 {imp2 10}Mental Boost Implant e_imp2_10 Implants lvl 3: {imp3 01}Bio-Antidote System e_imp3_01 |