Nom du fichier : Medal of Honor Pacific Assault Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO |
Console mode: Start the game with the +set cheats 1 +set ui_console 1 +set developer 1 command line parameter. Press ~ to display the console window. Example: "C:\Medal of Honor Pacific Assault\mohpa.exe" +set developer 1 Note: Press [Right Alt] + ~ to display the console window if ~ alone does not make it appear. Effect / Code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ God mode - dog Spawn item - spawn [item name] M1 Carbine and Thompson 50 Count Barrel with full ammo - wuss Disable enemy AI - notarget Full health - fullheal No clipping - noclip Level select - maplist Toggle frame rate display - fps [0 or 1] Item names: Use one of the following item names with the spawn code. Item Item name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thompson with 30 round clip weapons/us_thompson_30.hag Thompson with 50 round drum weapons/thompson.hag Springfield sniper weapons/springfield_m1903_sniper.hag Springfield weapons/us_springfield.hag Shotgun weapons/us_riot.hag Garand weapons/us_Garand.hag Demo pack weapons/us_demolitionpack.hag Colt .45 weapons/us_colt45.hag Bar weapons/us_bar.hag Axe weapons/us_axe.hag .45 weapons/us45.hag Type 100 SMG weapons/type100_smg.hag Sword weapons/sword.hag Satchel charge weapons/satchel_charge.hag Reising weapons/Reising.hag Unknown weapons/psyman.hag Nambu weapons/nambu_pistol.hag Model 97 sniper weapons/model97_sniper Arisaka weapons/m38_arisaka.hag M2 grenade weapons/m2frag_grenade.hag M1 carbine weapons/m1_carbine.hag M96 LGM weapons/jpn_model96lmg.hag Japanese .44 weapons/jpn_44.hag Japanese grenade weapons/jpnfrag_grenade.hag Johnson LMG weapons/Johnson.hag Portable mortar statweapons/model99_mortar_carryable.hag Portable Lewis gun statweapons/uslewis_single_carryable.hag Anti-Tank gun statweapons/usboys55_carryable.hag Please submit any information regarding the unknown code. Alternate Method Instead of using the command-line parameter, you can edit your player config file, located by default in "My DocumentsEA GamesMedal of Honor Pacific Assaultconfigs". The default file is "unnamedsoldier.cfg". Open this file with Wordpad.exe. Go down to the section // Cvars. Add the following line to this section: seta developer "1" Save the file. This should enable the console once you go back into the game. Still use [~] (tilde) to bring it up. |