Dark Messiah of Might And Magic Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Dark Messiah of Might And Magic Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO

Cheat Codes
Start the game with the command-line parameter "-console" to enable the console. While playing, press [~] (tilde) to bring up the console and enter any of the following cheat codes. Typing part of the code will show all codes that start with those characters.

Example: "C:\Program Files\Dark Messiah of Might and Magic\mm.exe" -console

Alternately, in the game options, on the "Keyboard" Tab, click the "Advanced" button at the bottom and check the box "Enable Developer Console".

NOTE: It may be necessary to use the code "sv_cheats 1" before entering other cheat codes into the system.

Code: Result:
god God Mode
notarget Enemies Ignore You
noclip No Clipping Mode
mm_player_add_skillpoints # Add # of Skill Points
mm_player_add_adrenaline 100 Full Adrenaline
mm_player_add_gold # Add # of Gold
give [item] Give Item (See List)
map [mapname] Load Map

Items Listing: (use with GIVE command)

Code: Result:
item_potion_life Health Potion
item_potion_mana Mana Potion

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