Star Wars : The Force Unleashed - Ultimate Sith Edition - PS3 - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Star Wars : The Force Unleashed - Ultimate Sith Edition - PS3 - Auteur : ANO


Pause the game and enter these codes under the Input Code option for the desired effect:

* OSSUS - All databank entries unlocked
* EXARKUN - All force push ranks unlocked
* ADEGAN - All saber throw ranks unlocked
* JOCASTA - All Talents Unlocked
* RAGNOS - Combo Unlock
* FREEDON - New Combo
* LUMIYA - New Combo
* MASSASSI - New Combo
* SAZEN - New Combo
* MARAJADE - Unlocks a New Combo
* KATARN - Unlocks Maxamum Force Powers
* DATHOMIR - Unlocks maximum Force Repulse ranks
* YADDLE - Unlocks new combo
* VENTRESS - Unlocks the Aerial Ambush combo
* EETHKOTH - Unlocks the Aerial Assault combo
* PLOKOON - Unlocks the Saber Slam combo
* KITFISTO - Unlocks the Saber Sling combo
* DARAGON - Unlocks the Sith Slash combo

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