SOCOM : US Navy Seals - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : SOCOM : US Navy Seals - Auteur : ANO

Use Terrorist Weapons
Upon beating the game with the rank of "Ensign", you will be able to select Terrorist Weapons in the Armory, in the Single-Player Missions.

Unlimited ammunition:
When playing the game, press R3 and you will reload your gun. You will not lose a magazine as when you auto reload.

Secret headset commands:
there a few secret commands to say into the headset.

"Bravo open/close door" (when close to a door -- point at it with the crosshairs)
"Hands up, get down" (sneak up to guards and yell it)
"Bravo diffuse bomb" (when pointing crosshairs at bomb)
"Breech, Bang, Clear" (clear a room by pointing crosshairs into it - your team will throw in two bang, grenades, and a frag)
"Team low profile" (team sneaks around killing terrorists stealthy)
"I got a gun! What do you got?"

Mission 2:
At the beginning, tell your men to hold their position and go to the right, up the hill. Stay to the left side of the hill while ascending it. You will see an enemy fairly soon in the mission. Quietly and carefully snipe him. There will be another one very shortly after the one you just killed. Continue on the cliff and you will reach a drop off to another cliff. Jump down. Walk slowly to the edge or close to it until you can see the small cabin. Snipe the man standing outside quickly with one or two shots. Then, tell your men to regroup after you jump down from the cliff and go to the cabin. There will be one or two men inside -- kill them quickly. Keep moving north -- that is where all the action is located.

Objective 1: You will find the Intel in the big place with the bridge-type object on the third floor. It is in the laptop.

Objective 2: The weapon caches are the boxes stacked on top of each other. Put C4 on those and that will do the job.

Objective 3: As one of the secondary objectives, blow up the generator with C4 as well.

Unlock Level Select
To Unlock the Level Select option, beat the game on the "Lieutenent Junior Grade" rank, and Level Select will be availible.

Unlock the MGL (Multiple Grenade Launcher)
To Unlock the MGL (Multiple Grenade Launcher) just beat the game three times, and it will be availible.

Weapon and equipment list:
226 Pistol
DE . 50 Pistol
F57 Pistol

Silenced Pistols
Mark 23 SD Silenced Pistol
9MM pistol
Automatic Pistol: Glock Model 18

Carbines and Grenade Launchers
M14 Rifle
M16A2 Rifle
M16A2-M203 Rifle
AKS-74 (Long Stock) Rifle
AKS-74 (Folding Stock) Rifle
AK-47 Assault Rifle
M4A1 Assault Rifle
M4A1 SD Assault Rifle
M4A1-M203 Assault Rifle
552 Submachine Gun
HK5 Submachine Gun
HK5 SD Submachine Gun
F90 Machine Gun:M60E3 Machine Gun
M63A Grenade Launcher

Sniper Rifles
M40A1Sniper Rifle
M82A1ASniper Rifle
SR-25Sniper Rifle
SR-25 SD

AN-M8 Grenade
HE Grenade
M67 Grenade
M79 Frag Round (6) Grenade
M79 HE Round (6) Grenade
M79 Smoke Round (3) Grenade
M203 Frag Round (6) Grenade
M203 HE Round (3) Grenade: Mark 141 Flash Bang
Mine: Claymore
Explosive:C4 Explosive
Satchel Charge
Equipment: Double Ammo

Unlock list:
Beat the game on the following difficulties to unlock level select, weapons and other difficulties.

Difficulty: Unlock:
Ensign Terrorist weapons in SP
Ensign Lieutenant JG difficulty
Lieutenant JG Level Select
Lieutenant JG Lieutenant difficulty
Lieutenant Multiple Grenade Launcher
Lieutenant Lieutenant Commander difficulty
Lieutenant Commander Commander difficulty
Commander Captain difficulty
Captain Rear Admiral difficulty
Rear Admiral Admiral difficulty

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