Nom du fichier : BloodRayne - Auteur : ANO |
God Mode: Enter TRIASSASSINDONTDIE as a code to unlock the "God Mode" option at the cheat menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. Restore Health: Enter LAMEYANKEEDONTFEED as a code to unlock the "Restore Health" option at the cheat menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. Fill Bloodlust: Enter ANGRYXXXINSANEHOOKER as a code to unlock the "Fill Bloodlust" option at the cheat menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. Time Factor: Enter NAKEDNASTYDISHWASHERDANCE as a code to unlock the "Time Factor" option at the cheat menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. Level Select: Enter ONTHELEVEL as a code to unlock the level selection menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. Go back to the main menu, highlight the "New" option, then hold Select and press Start. A black screen with white text will appear. Note: You can also access the Louisiana secret level from this screen by choosing "LA_HILL". Louisiana secret level: Enter BRIMSTONEINTHEBAYOU as a code to unlock the Louisiana secret level. A message will confirm correct code entry. Enemy Freeze: Enter DONTFARTONOSCAR as a code to unlock the "Enemy Freeze" option at the cheat menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. Show Weapons: Enter SHOWMEMYWEAPONS as a code to unlock the "Show Weapons" option at the cheat menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. Gratuitous Dismemberment: Enter INSANEGIBSMODEGOOD as a code to unlock the "Gratuitous Dismemberment" option at the cheat menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. Juggy: Enter JUGGYDANCESQUAD as a code to unlock the "Juggy" option at the cheat menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. Programmer messages: Enter one of the following codes to view a programmer message. ACTIVE ACTIVEACTIVEACTIVEACTIVE ADAMSLAIDEVE ALBATROSS ANGRYINSANEDUCK BANANAFORTHEMONEY COOLIGLOOFORME COOLMAJESCO COOLTRI DANCEJUGGYDANCE DANCETHETANGO DANCEWITHSATAN DASTARDLYFARTQUEEN DELTAFOXTROTECHOTANGO DIEFARTDIE DIEMAJESCO DIETRI DOGEATDOG DON'TCHEAT DON'TDIE EATDUCK EATHOOKER EATME EATTHISPURPLEBANANA EATYOURNASTYFART FARTGOOD FEEDONME FEEDROMEOTHEDOG FOXTROTUNIFORMCHARLEYKILO GODHELPME GODISGOOD GODMODE GOODGODHELPME HIDETHEGIBS HIDETHEHOOKER HIDEWHISKEYATWORK HOOKERSTAIN HOTELHOOKERHUT IAMADAM IAMANGRY IAMASSASSIN IAMGOD IAMINSANE IAMJIMMY IAMMAJESCO IAMNAKED IAMTRI ICANDIE ICHEAT IEATDUCK IEATSPAM IHIDESPAM IHUNTFORSPAM ILAIDMYDISHWASHER ILAIDMYMONKEY INSANELAMAUVULAENIGMA ISJIMMYINSANE ISOLATETAINTEDLAMA IWASMAJESCO IWASTRI IWORKFORMAJESCO IWORKFORTRI JIMMYRULES JUGGYSHOWISKILLER LOTSOFASSINNOVEMBER LOTSOFHOOKERS MANSHOW MYDOGISPSYCHIC MYHOOKERUNIFORM MYKILOISLATE MYKIMMYISUP MYLAZYBANANA MYNASTYNAKEDMONKEY MYUVULAISPURPLE NAKEDHOOKER NAKEDMONSTER NAKEDNASTYMAN NAKEDNASTYMONSTER NASTYSATANEATHOOKER NOCHEATACTIVE PAPADON'TPREACHER PASSJIMMYTHEJOINT PICKMYMONKEY PICKUPHOOKER PSYCHICASSASSIN QUEBECISCOOL RAID REALITYISTERMINAL REALITYISTHECONUNDRUM SATANCANDANCE SATANRULES SATANTOLDTHISJOKE SCARLETCRANE SHOWMEYOUMONKEY SHOWMEYOURNASTY SHOWMYNAKEDMONSTER SPAMSPAMSPAMSPAM STAINMYUNIFORM TAKEMYWEAPONS TERMINALREALITYISCOOL TERMINALREALITYISLAME TERMINALREALITYRULES TERMINALSTAIN TERMINALVELOCITY THEHOOKERISANGRY THEMATRIX THERULESAREOBSOLETE THISISREALITY UVULA WEAPONSON WHISKEYALPHADELTAFOXTROT WHISKEYISMYGOD XXX YANKMYALPHABANANA YOURFARTISDASTARDLY YOURGODISCOOL YOURHOOKERISNASTY Defeating the Hondrox: When you are fighting the Hondrox you must break down the pillars (long wooden objects) and the floor will fall . Do this twice to complete the level. Indiana Jones reference: In one of the small corner rooms in the Nazi part of the game, you can break a box to find the Ark Of The Covenant from Raiders Of The Lost Ark. Unlock Enemies parameter Enter DONT FART ON OSCAR as a password. Unlock Fill Bloodlust Enter ANGRY XXX INSANE HOOKER as a password. Unlock God Mode Enter TRI ASSASSIN DONT DIE as a password. Unlock Gratuitous Dismemberment Enter INSANE GIBS MODE GOOD as a password. Unlock Juggy Mode Enter JUGGY DANCE SQUAD as a password. Unlock Restore Health Enter LAME YANKEE DONT FEED as a password. Unlock Show Weapons on Body Enter SHOW ME MY WEAPONS as a password. Unlock Time Factor parameter Enter NAKED NASTY DISHWASHER DANCE as a password. |