Test Drive 4 - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Test Drive 4 - Auteur : ANO

Bonus Tracks:
Set a course record. Enter KNACKED as a name. You will now have access to mirrored tracks at night.

Bonus Cars:
Set a course record. Enter SAUSAGE as a name. You can now drive the Viper GTSR, the TVR 12/7, the 69' Dodge Daytona, and the Pitbull Special.

Super Speed:
Set a course record. Enter JETPACK as a name. The cars will be faster in speed and lighter in weight.

Turbo Mode
Enter the following code as your name after setting a course record....
Then use your horn to get a burst of speed
Note: You must have "Traffic" and "Timer" enabled for this to work.

Unlock the Hovercraft
Enter the following code as your name after setting a course record....

Then use Up to go forward and X to hover
Note: You must have "Traffic" and "Timer" enabled for this to work.

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