Ace Combat 5 : The Unsung War - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Ace Combat 5 : The Unsung War - Auteur : ANO

Free Mission
Just like in Ace Combat 4, this game also gives you the option of the "Free Mission", when you have completed the game, go to the main screen and select Free Mission. You can now play any mission in the game, using any plane you have previously bought.

Even more difficulty settings...
When you have completed the game, there are a few more difficulty settings that you can choose from. These are great if you completed the game with ease, and want more of a challenge!

Music Player
After completing the game, just go back to the Title screen and go to options. The Music Player option will now be available. With this, you can listen to all every single track from within the game... This is probably the ONLY place you will be able to do this, without having to actually play the game.

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