Commandos 2 - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Commandos 2 - Auteur : ANO

Mission - Normal - Hard - Very Hard

1 -- XHGDR --- PLKUM --- PVTSL
2 -- WKUC4 --- JE5SH --- SKDJF
3 -- YSM51 --- DFY3B --- 3DYNG
4 -- B7D8F --- K9D3H --- 9BG3S
5 -- 3GHSL --- NMWQ9 --- KJWJK
6 -- AZLM1 --- 16G3L --- E2J7H
7 -- JAHSG --- WL3CZ --- ZX78Y
8 -- UN63A --- LPQ6T --- TRIB4
9 -- VAZ2P --- SRCM8 --- TRD78
10-- 9TT5W --- PAEN8 --- 1LPQD

Bonus missions
Collect all of the brown bonus books during the course of a mission to complete the photograph at the end and unlock a bonus mission

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