Descent - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Descent - Author: ANO

Level select/new difficulty levels
While playing a game, press Triangle, Square(2), Triangle, Circle(2), Square(2), Triangle, Circle, Square(2). Now quit the current game and start a new game after you have entered the code. The "Ace" and "Insane" difficulty levels will now be available. All levels, including the secret levels, may now be selected.

All weapons
While playing a game, press Triangle, Square, Circle, X, Triangle, Square, X, Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Square. Enter this code in a safe place.

Ten lives, all weapons, and level select
While playing a game, press Triangle, X, Square(2), Triangle, Circle(2), Square, Triangle, Square, Circle, X. Enter this code in a safe place.

All levels keys
While playing a game, press Square, X, Circle, Triangle, X, Triangle, Triangle, X, Triangle, X, Triangle, X.

While playing a game, press Square, Triangle, Circle, Square(2), Triangle, Circle(2), Square, Triangle, Square, X.

Increase visibility
While playing a game, press Square, Triangle, Circle, Square(2), X, Circle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, Triangle. This will make the screen colors turn brighter.

Extra life
While playing a game, press Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle(2), X.

Recharge shields
While playing a game, press Triangle(2), X, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, X, Square, X, Triangle, X. If you entered the code correctly, a woman's voice will say "Cheater" and the phrase "Shield Recharged" will appear.

Turbo speed
While playing a game, press Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Circle, X, Square, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, X.

Cloaking device
While playing a game, press Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Square, X, Circle, Triangle, X, Square, X, Triangle.

Cycle colors
While playing a game, press Square, Triangle, Circle, Square(2), Triangle, Circle(2), Square, Triangle, Square, X, Triangle, X, Square, Triangle. Repeat this code for different colors.

Weird colors
While playing a game, press Square, Triangle, Circle(2), Square, Triangle, Square, X, Triangle, X, Square.

Weird robots
While playing a game, press Square, X, Square, X, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle(2), Square.

Level passwords
Level Password
5 N*5KB-STLVQ-HC344-62B3B


Game Shark Codes

Invulnerability 800D109C 040F
Infinite Shield 800D10A6 0064
Infinite Energy 800D10A2 0064
Infinite Concussion Missiles 800D10BA 0009
Infinite Homing Missiles 800D10BC 0009
Infinite Proximity Bombs 800D10BE 0009
Infinite Smart Missiles 800D10C0 0014
Infinite Mega Missiles 800D10C2 0014
Infinte Vulcan Ammo 800D10B2 9684

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