Mystic Heroes - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Mystic Heroes - Auteur : ANO

M1 Rune:
Successfully complete story mode under the easy difficulty setting.

M2 Rune:
Complete a versus mode match with four human players.

M3 Rune:
Successfully complete story mode under the normal difficulty setting.

M4 Rune:
Complete ten cooperative multi-player matches.

M5 Rune:
Complete twenty versus mode matches. Note: These cannot be cooperative games.

M6: Rune:
Complete twenty cooperative multi-player matches.

M7 Rune:
Complete fifty versus mode matches. Note: These cannot be cooperative games.

M8 Rune:
Successfully complete story mode under the hard difficulty setting.

M9 Rune:
Successfully complete the game with all four characters under any difficulty setting.

S1 Rune:
Successfully complete the first group of four levels in survival mode. The S1 Rune helps your MP regenerate.

S2 Rune:
Successfully complete the second group of four levels in survival mode. The S2 Rune helps you move faster.

S3 Rune:
Successfully complete the third group of four levels in survival mode. The S3 Rune helps your HP regenerate.

S4 Rune:
Successfully complete the first group of four levels in expert survival mode. The S4 Rune doubles your physical defense.

S5 Rune:
Successfully complete the second group of four levels in expert survival mode. The S5 Rune doubles your physical attack.

S6 Rune:
Successfully complete the third group of four levels in expert survival mode. The S6 Rune gives you unlimited MP.

Hard survival mode:
Successfully complete the game in survival mode.

Play as Captain Dax:
Successfully complete the game in survival mode under the beginner difficulty setting.

Play as Raja:
Successfully complete the game in survival mode under the intermediate difficulty setting.

Play as Mariah:
Successfully complete the game in survival mode under the advanced difficulty setting.

Play as Kai:
Successfully complete the game in survival mode under the beginner difficulty setting in hard mode.

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