Need For Speed 2 - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Need For Speed 2 - Auteur : ANO

Cheat codes:
(Put these codes in at the options at user name then race and u will see the car or truck or what ever)

Hidden Car "Ford Indigo" - LILZIP
Extra Track - SHOTME
Makes cars faster, gears shift quicker - POWRUP
Army truck - ARMYME
Volkswagen beetle - BEETME
Mercedes benz - BNZME
Volkswagen bug - BUGME
School bus - BUSME
Citroen - CITME
Shipping crate - CRATEME
Pickup truck - JEPME
Landcruiser - LCME
Stretch limousine - LIMOME
Mazda miata - MAZME
Outhouse - OUTHME
Luxury sedan - QUATME
Semi truck - SEMIME
Army truck 2 - SNOWME
Newsstand - STDAME
Covered newsstand - STDBME
Souvenier stand - STDCME
Monolithic studios tram - TRAMME
T-rex - TREXME
Volvo station wagon - VOVME
Covered wagon - WAGOME
Jeep wrangler - YJME

To give 2 players a secret vehical just change the last letters of any of these codes from "me" to "u"

First, enter simulation mode. Go to options and set the password to POWRUP. Then switch your car's gear ratios to tall. NOTE! This car you created can only hit their top speed on the Proving Grounds or Outback tracks.

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