Nom du fichier : Return Fire - Auteur : ANO |
Self-destruct: Hold Square + X + Circle + Triangle to destroy the vehicle currently being controlled during game play. Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 at the vehicle selection screen to destroy a vehicle in the current row. Level One Player Password 2 Umbrella, Bird, Butterfly, Flower 3 Face, Teapot, Bunny, Umbrella 4 Bunny, Umbrella, Bird, Bird 5 Flower, Umbrella, Bunny, Teapot 6 Bird, Teapot, Butterfly, Butterfly 7 Bear, Bear, Clover, Bird 8 Bunny, Teapot, Umbrella, Heart 9 Clover, Butterfly, Bird, Heart 10 Heart, Butterfly, Teapot, Heart 11 Umbrella, Umbrella, Bird, Flower 12 Flower, Teapot, Clover, Butterfly 13 Heart, Umbrella, Clover, Heart 14 Bunny, Face, Flower, Clover 15 Bunny, Face, Bear, Bird 16 Flower, Umbrella, Bird, Bunny 17 Flower, Bear, Heart, Umbrella 18 Face, Bird, Heart, Clover Level Two Player Password 2 Butterfly, Umbrella, Bear, Heart 3 Bear, Bunny, Flower, Clover 4 Umbrella, Heart, Clover, Flower 5 Umbrella, Bear, Bunny, Heart 6 Teapot, Bird, Butterfly, Flower 7 Heart, Flower, Clover, Butterfly 8 Heart, Bear, Bunny, Heart 9 Bear, Bunny, Clover, Flower 10 Butterfly, Face, Umbrella, Clover 11 Bear, Flower, Face, Flower 12 Teapot, Bear, Flower, Umbrella 13 Heart, Bird, Flower, Clover 14 Face, Bird, Clover, Teapot 15 Teapot, Bird, Clover, Bear 16 Umbrella, Teapot, Bird, Flower 17 Face, Bear, Bunny, Flower 18 Bunny, Heart, Flower, Bird Extra levels: Complete all the levels including the top set. Move up once more in the level select screen to access a row that does not display on the screen. Player Handicap Go to the Vehicle Selection Screen and press all 4 shoulder buttons (L1,L2,R1,R2). A vehicle will explode in the row that is highlighted. Highlight another row, do the trick once more and one of the cars in that row will be destroyed. This will handicap your game making the levels more difficulty to complete. Self Destruct While you have a vehicle out of the hangar, hold Square + X + Circle + Triangle. |