LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes - Vita - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes - Vita - Auteur : ANO

Cheat Codes
Go to the little batcave hub and to the screen where you buy characters and all that. Go to the cheats panel and click on it. Note: You still have to pay for the item.

ZHAXFH - Beep Beep.
TPJ37T - Character Studs.
9ZZZBP - Clown Goon.
BWQ2MS - Disguises.
4LGJ7T - Extra Hearts.
7TXH5K - Extra Toggle.
TPGPG2 - Fall Rescue
MBXW7V - Gold Brick Finder.
C79LVH - Harley Quinn's Motorbike.
W49CSJ - Lexbot.
ZQA8MK - Mime Goon.
LRJAG8 - Minikit Piece Finder.
RYD3SJ - Peril Finder.
V9SAGT - Policeman.
5KKQ6G - Red Brick Finder.
ZXEX5D - Regenerate Hearts.
Q285LK - Riddler Goon.
74EZUT - Studs X2.
JN2J6V - Super Build.
95KPYJ - Two-Face Goon.
JXN7FJ - Vine Grapples.

Unlock Trophies
A Winning Formula (Bronze) - Complete ACE Chemicals.
A-maze-ing Chase (Bronze) - Complete Arkham Estate.
Deconstructive Criticism (Bronze) - Complete The Batcave.
Dishonourably Discharged! (Bronze) - Complete Arkham Asylum.
Double-crossed! (Bronze) - Complete Brawl at City Hall.
Flying Lessons (Bronze) - Complete Assault the VTOL.
Frequent Flyer (Bronze) - Complete Robot Sky Battle.
Happy Daze (Gold) - Stun 100 enemies.
Hero in Train-ing (Bronze) - Complete Gotham Metro.
Hostile Takeover (Bronze) - Complete Wayne Industries.
All Change! (Silver) - Swap characters using Super Freeplay.
Bad Influence (Gold) - Collect all the Villain characters.
Bane of my Life (Bronze) - Take down Batman with Bane (Single Player Only).
Batter Up! (Silver) - Using the Batman glide ability, spend 5 seconds or more in the air.
Behind Enemy Lines (Bronze) - Complete Attack on LexCorp.
Brick by Brick (Silver) - Collect all the Red Bricks.
Call Shotgun (Silver) - Stun an enemy using Commissioner Gordon's trusty weapon and finish them (Single Player Only).
Complete Hero (Platinum) - Collect all trophies.
Justice is Served (Gold) - Win gold in every arena in Justice League Mode.
Justice League, Assemble! (Bronze) - Complete The Final Battle.
MVP (Gold) - Complete every arena in Justice League Mode.
Open Mic Knight (Bronze) - Complete Gotham Theatre.
Road to Ruin (Bronze) - Complete Juggernaut Chase.
Siamese Bat (Silver) - As Catwoman, use the Stealth Takedown ability to attack Batman (Single Player Only).
Sound Advice (Silver) - Collect all the Sound Bite tokens.
Starter Pack (Silver) - Unlock all the Ability packs for the Character Customiser.
Super Friends (Gold) - Collect all the Hero characters.
Taking the Plunge (Silver) - Help an enemy off a ledge in Wayne Industries.
The Big Brick Theory (Bronze) - Create your first character in the Character Customiser.
The Joke's on you! (Bronze) - Complete The Joker Getaway.
True Hero (Silver) - Achieve a True Hero stud total.
Unbreakable (Gold) - Finish a level without losing all your hearts.

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