Captain America : Super Soldier - Wii - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Captain America : Super Soldier - Wii - Auteur : ANO

Unlockable Costumes:
Unlock the following costumes by performing the corresponding tasks:

Classic - Get a "Gold" rank on all challenges; get all the Zemo's Relics.
Ultimate - Get 25,000 Intel points; complete the game under the Hard difficulty.

Damaging Shield throw hint:
Once you lock onto all the targets you want to throw at, flick the Nunchuk instead of releasin the C button for a Focus Increase Shot.

Deflecting hint:
Deflect bullets and lasers at enemies without ranged attack first and not the gunners. If you kill the gunners first you won't have anything to deflect at the other enemies.

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