Pokemon Battle Revolution - Wii - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Pokemon Battle Revolution - Wii - Auteur : ANO

Cyber Pants
Win the Crystal Colosseum. Then they will be in the shop for 600pc. Any type of person can wear this.

New gear
The further you get in the game and the more points you earn the more new clothes you can unlock hats wigs faces clothes etc etc

Reverse phycology
As in really cool cheat.We all know pkmn ruby sapphire and emerald well on pkmn bttle rev you can take all your strongest pkmn off of their I would say the best is the most likley to take like my 100 Swampert rayquaza typhlosion and theirs anothe cheat take pkmn or colloseum or xd Gale of darkness like I did put them on Ruby S or E then put them on pkmn Bttle Revo . thanx 4 reading. big shout 2 all you poke'fans.

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