Call of Duty : Black Ops 2 - WiiU - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Call of Duty : Black Ops 2 - WiiU - Auteur : ANO

Diamond camo for multiplayer guns
Unlock the gold camo on all weapons within a group.

Deadshot Daquiri Perk
In Zombies Tranzit mode, get a collateral head shot with a single bullet. This perk increases the head shot multiplier in zombies.

Quick Revive Perk
In Tranzit mode, revive the same teammate at least fifteen times in the same round. A green flash will appear from the revived teammate to indicate that the perk has been permanently unlocked for use in Tranzit mode.

"Celerium": Thor's Hammer
After you eliminate all the enemies and do the flying part, take a left and find the cliff. Jump down and you will find a dark cave. Inside is Thor's Hammer.

"Nuketown 2025": Arcade games
Shoot the heads off all the mannequins within two minutes of starting a game. Go to the Nuketown population sign and press [Action] to play four classic

"Nuketown 2025": Campaign reference
Go to the house with the bus outside. The mailbox reads "Mason", which happens to be David's family.

"Suffer With Me": Alternate ending
When Noriega gives you the sniper rifle on the rooftop, shoot the man you are ordered to kill, but only in the knee twice.

"Tranzit": Hidden song
Find the three hidden teddies. One is outside and spawns on a bench. The second teddy is in the house at the farm on a bed. The last teddy is in town, in the bar at the third chair. Once all of them have been activated, a song will begin playing.

Avenge Sevenfold reference
Complete the game a second time for the alternate ending. A video will play after the credits, and the shirts will read "avengesevenfold".

Call Of Duty: Black Ops Mule Kick reference
In the "Celerium" mission, get an assault shield when told and trade it in for a gun. You are carrying three guns, which is the same as Mule Kick from Call Of Duty: Black Ops.

Easy "Undead Man Party Bus" achievement or trophy
To earn this achievement or trophy, you must create the turbine, which is composed of the parts in the bus stop at the beginning (one against the sign in the middle, one beside the bookcase next to the M14, and one on the bench next to the power needed door). Simply place the generator at each door of this sort at each stop (bus stop, diner, farm, city, power room). One will not have a part; the other four will. Place the ladder on the back driver-side of the bus, the grill on the front, the emergency ladder on the emergency exit on the inside; and if you wait until a zombie destroys the ceiling, you can skip the fourth part. If not, there is a fourth part to attach on the emergency exit.

Saving custom multiplayer mode games
Press X when you are editing the game rules to save a custom game. Note: This only works for online, and not local multiplayer games.

Local split screen with screen and GamePad
Use the following trick to play a local multiplayer split screen game, with one person fully on the main screen and the other on the GamePad. Use your television as the primary display and press A on a GamePad and select "Sign is additional player".

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