Wii Fit U - WiiU - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Wii Fit U - WiiU - Auteur : ANO

Unlockable Stamps
Bow Stamp - Perform 70 body tests
Clover Stamp - Perform 22 body tests
Flower Stamp - Perform 10 body tests
Heart Stamp - Perform 6 body tests
Mario Stamp - Perform 100 body tests
Mii Stamp - Perform 30 body tests
Music Stamp - Perform 50 body tests
OK Stamp - Perform 2 body tests
Rocket Stamp - Perform 40 body tests
Smiley Stamp - Perform 14 body tests
Star Stamp - Perform 4 body tests

Fitpiggy Colors
Bronze Fitpiggy - Accumulate 10 hours of training time
Crystal Fitpiggy - Accumulate 120 hours of training time
Gold Fitpiggy - Accumulate 40 hours of training time
Silver Fitpiggy - Accumulate 20 hours of training time

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