ToeJam & Earl III : Mission to Earth - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : ToeJam & Earl III : Mission to Earth - Auteur : ANO

Sleeping Earthlings
Sneak up on a sleeping earthling by walking (pushing lightly on the thumbstick). When you get by the earthling, hit the black button. You will scream "Wake Up!" and cause the earthling to fall off the edge and also drop presents and money. This works well on sleeping dentists.

Random Mode
Successfully complete any level to unlock the "Random Mode" option.

Icarus/Funkify Combo
Open Icarus Wings and then open Funkify Notes present and you will be able to shoot funkify notes while flying.

Double Points
If you are doing something to funkify earthlings (i.e. rhythm matching, Funk Fu Blast, etc.), open an Instant Points present to receive double points for funkified earthlings.

Instant Demotion Present
An Instant Demotion present is not necessarily bad if it is opened while near the wiseman in the carrot suit. After opening the present, you will be demoted in rank but the carrot suit guy will promote you again allowing you to earn an extra life like you did the first time you were promoted. In 2 player mode, open the Instant Demotion while both players are on the same screen and you can earn 2 extra lives.

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