Banjo To Kazooie No Daibouken 2 - Xbox 360 - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Banjo To Kazooie No Daibouken 2 - Xbox 360 - Auteur : ANO

Cheat mode
Enter the witch's head on Spiral Mountain to find Cheato. One cheat will be revealed for every five Cheato pages that you find. Other cheats are revealed by finding the various mystery eggs hidden throughout the game or are rewards for doing certain actions. The cheats are entered in the Mayahem Temple near Wumba's Wigwam. Note: Grenade eggs are required to enter the temple. Spell out one of the following cheat codes inside the temple to activate the corresponding effect. Note: Cheats prefixed with CHEATO are unlocked immediately without collecting the required number of Cheato pages.

Double feather carrying capacity FEATHERS or CHEATOSREHTAEF
Double egg carrying capacity EGGS or CHEATOSGGE
Unlimited eggs and feathers CHEATONESTKING
Unlimited air and health HONEYKING or CHEATOKCABYENOH
All mini-games, Bosses, and movies in replay mode CHEATOPLAYITAGAINSON
Banjo moves faster CHEATOSUPERBANJO
Enemies move faster CHEATOSUPERBADDY
Music test unlocked in Jolly Roger Bay jukebox JUKEBOX or CHEATOXOBEKUJ
Unlimited health CHEATOHONEYBACK
Unlimited Glowbos GLOKING
Unlimited Mega Glowbos SUPGLOKING
No damage when falling FALLPROOF or CHEATOFOORPLLAF
Eggs home in on nearest target HOMING
Jiggy hints given by signs in Master Jiggywiggy's house GETJIGGY or CHEATOYGGIJTEG
All replay sub-options unlocked CHEATOPLAYITAGAINSON
View ending sequence; only if you currently have less than 90 Jiggies CHEATOJIGGYSCASTLIST

Complete the following tasks to unlock a Gamerpic.
* Collect at least one secret egg in Banjo-Kazooie. Take the egg to Heggy's Egg Shed in Banjo-Tooie. Allow Heggy to hatch the egg.
* Collect all the doubloons in Jolly Roger's Lagoon.

Banjo-Kazoooie theme
Collect at least two of any secret eggs in Banjo-Kazooie. Take the eggs to Heggy's Egg Shed in Banjo-Tooie. Allow Heggy to hatch the eggs to unlock the theme from Banjo-Kazoooie.

Homing Eggs
Collect at least three of any secret eggs in Banjo-Kazooie. Take the eggs to

Heggy's Egg Shed in Banjo-Tooie. Allow Heggy to hatch the eggs to unlock the theme from Banjo-Kazoooie.

Breegull Bash
Collect at least four of any secret eggs in Banjo-Kazooie. Take the eggs to Heggy's Egg Shed in Banjo-Tooie. Allow Heggy to hatch the eggs to unlock the theme from Banjo-Kazoooie.

Multi-player Jinjo
Collect at least five of any secret eggs in Banjo-Kazooie. Take the eggs to Heggy's Egg Shed in Banjo-Tooie. Allow Heggy to hatch the eggs to unlock the theme from Banjo-Kazoooie.

Stop 'n' Swop II
Collect all six secret eggs in Banjo-Kazooie. Take the egg to Heggy's Egg Shed in Banjo-Tooie. Allow Heggy to hatch all the eggs. Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Stop 'n' Swop II item.
And The Winner is...: Get the Gold Egg from the Banjo-Kazooie game pak in the waterfall at Spiral Mountain.
Better Than A Slap: Get the Silver Egg from the Banjo-Kazooie game pak to the right when entering Jinjo Village from Spiral Mountain using Grip Grab.
Calmer Chameleon: Transform into all of Humba's transformations (including Dragon Kazooie).
Heroic Failure: Die forty times during the Boss Replay Challenge.
Lucky Loser: Get the Bronze Egg from the Banjo-Kazooie game pak in a cracked grate after destroying it with a grenade egg and flying into it at Spiral Mountain.
Now Who's Boss: Complete the Boss Replay Challenge with a personal best score of fifteen total minutes or less.
Oh No, Not Again...: Have Heggy hatch all Stop N Swop Eggs.

Character Parade movie
Finish the game with a 100% completion to unlock the "Character Parade" movie in the Replay Mode menu.

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