AMY - Xbox 360 - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : AMY - Xbox 360 - Auteur : ANO

All Aboard (10 points) - Finish Chapter 01.
Loud and Clear (10 points) - Finish Chapter 02.
Blasted Metro (10 points) - Finish Chapter 03.
Emergency Exit (10 points) - Finish Chapter 04.
Contamination (10 points) - Finish Chapter 05.
High Voltage (10 points) - Push an enemy onto an electrical device.
Bodyguard (20 points) - Complete a level without the monsters draining Amy's energy.
Where are you? (20 points) - Avoid being seen by the enemy by concealing yourself in a hideout.
Find Me (20 points) - Find Amy.
Survivor (Easy) (10 points) - Finish the game in Easy mode.
Survivor (Normal) (20 points) - Finish the game in Normal mode.
Survivor (Hard) (50 points) - Finish the game in Hard mode.

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